Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Still Compassion

5Rhythms®: Still Compassion

Stillness opens the door to the connection to self, partner, community and the divine unknown. The state of Stillness dissolves all rhythms into one. It is here that we touch into the great emptiness that unifies all aspects of life.

In the previous sessions of this series we will deeply investigate the emotions. The benefit of cultivating a relationship with our emotions is that it helps us expand our capacity to be with what is. By connecting with fear, courage, anger, forgiveness, sorrow and joy, we cultivate the ground to connect with the nature of compassion.

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Heart Connections

Heart Connections

April 9, 2021 - April 11, 2021

Wie stelle ich Verbindung zu dem her, was mein Herz bewegt? Welche Sehnsucht schlummert darin? Wie kann ich mich öffen und mich auf unverstellte, wahrhaftige Begegnungen einlassen?

Fragen, die gerade jetzt in Zeiten von Abstandsregeln, Isolation und Berührungsängsten noch einmal eine ganz neue Bedeutung bekommen.

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