Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Dance First Member Spotlight on Golden Bridge!


This week’s Dance First Member Spotlight is from Golden Bridge!

Golden Bridge is dedicated to Birthing a Generation of Globally Conscious ~ Embodied ~ Spiritual Leaders

Through the arts of body, heart, and soul, we support individuals and communities as they repair and move into collaborative service and leadership. Our leaders are empowered to move into the world from a place of deep kinesthetic connection with themselves, their people, with the earth, and with all of life, seen and unseen.

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Monday, November 22, 2021

Monday Love to your Attitude of Gratitude


“ Gratitude is the Attitude! ”

 ~ Anon

What are you grateful for? With that simple question we kick off the Holiday Season here in the good ole USA, home of Thanksgiving and all the related Turkey Day traditions.

And kick it off, we do. Football and parades on the TV, topics to approach or avoid around the dinner table, trains and planes and automobiles, it’s all part of the annual ritual of gathering with friends and family to express our gratitude, firstly and fore-mostly through the enjoyment of food.

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Thursday, November 18, 2021

Free and True


July 30, 2022 - August 3, 2022

This workshop is taught in Dutch, together with Annick Jossa from PRH.

This workshop counts for the 5 Rhythms teacher training as a 5 day elective, or as 25 hours of waves practice. You can follow this workshop if you have done at least one five-day workshop with PRH before; no prior experience with the 5 Rhythms is required.

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Midsummer Festival 2022 (Heartbeat In Training)


August 12, 2022 - August 22, 2022

This is the biggest conscious dance event in Italy.

It brings together many dancers and teachers from all over Italy, Europe and beyond. 

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Endless Waves: residential retreat in Suomenlinna


August 26, 2022 - August 28, 2022

Endless Waves 2022: retreat in Suomenlinna
Taught by Karoliina Valontaival

Endless Waves is a residential 5Rhythms retreat on the island of Suomenlinna, just off the coast of central Helsinki. Melt, unwind, and ease into the pleasure and restorative power of movement. The nature around us will support us in relaxing and opening our senses: time in nature is scientifically proven to bring down stress levels and boost our soothing parasympathetic nervous system.

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WATER – Elemental Rhythms – Residential Intensive (can be booked individually)


September 22, 2022 - September 25, 2022

The third of four residential workshops for those who

  • Have fallen in love with the dancing path
  • Are passionate about the natural world
  • Want to open to the wisdom holding & healing of the elements.

Elemental Rhythms is a series of four workshops, each devoted to the teachings of one of the elements: Earth, Fire, Water and Air. The workshops can be done individually, but they will also build on each other in a progressive sequence – each element being a gateway to a deeper connection with our world, our-selves, and our potential.

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Wednesday, November 17, 2021

My Inner Riches


July 30, 2022 - August 3, 2022

This workshop is taught in Dutch, together with Patrick Jossa from PRH.

This workshop counts for the 5 Rhythms teacher training as a 5 day elective, or as 25 hours of waves practice. You can follow this workshop even if you have not done any other workshop with PRH; no prior experience with the 5 Rhythms is required.

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October 23, 2022

This workshop is part of a series of ten Sundays in 2022, given by Edo and Nancy. It puts the focus on the Joy basic emotion of the 5R Heartbeat map.

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HoloWave – Samhain


October 28, 2022 - October 30, 2022

Finde die verborgenen Schätze in den 5 Rhythmen.

Kannst du dir vorstellen, dass in jeder rhythmischen Bewegung viele Dimensionen persönlicher Ressourcen schlummern,  die nur darauf warten entdeckt zu werden?

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Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Journey Into Trance


January 28, 2022 - January 30, 2022

An opportunity to deepen our 5Rhythms practice
Moving through specific maps and meditations that teach us how to more deeply traverse the world of trance.

We all long for a place to call home, a place where we feel totally connected and at peace. But there is no home unless we find it in ourselves. 

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Online Series: TENDING OUR INNER LIGHT through Life/Art Explorations with Elisabeth Osgood-Campbell


December 1 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am PST

| $60

4 Wednesdays, Dec. 1, 8, 15 & 22, 10-11:30am Pacific Time, $60

As we approach Winter Solstice, the darkest day of the year in the Northern hemisphere, we can consciously connect with sources of light within and around us by engaging with the expressive arts.

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Online workshop: Grief and Gratitude Ritual Workshop* ~ with Dohee Lee


December 18 @ 10:00 am - 4:00 pm PST

| $100

December 18 | 10AM-4PM Pacific Time with a 1 hour lunch break from 12:30-1:30PM | $100

This special workshop will be facilitated by performance artist and ritualist Dohee Lee. Dohee’s work, based on East Asian philosophy and traditional Korean arts combined with new art forms and rituals, is deeply influenced by her Korean cultural heritage.

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Dance First Member Spotlight on Rachel Goodman!


This week’s Dance First Member Spotlight is from Rachel Goodman!

Hello Conscious Dancer Community!

I am a resilience consultant, facilitator, and speaker from Canada. I am also a movement, vocal, and visual artist.

In 2020, I suddenly had to learn many skills to get my work online. Before COVID times, my business had grown by in-person word of mouth. I’m a Gen Xer who started high school with a typewriter and has been living on a tiny island of 850 people for the past decade. I had very little online presence before the pandemic.

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Monday Love to your Roots and Culture


“Roots are not in landscape or a country, or a people.They are inside you.”

 ~ Isabel Allende

How deep are your roots? How far back can you trace your history? Do you stay in touch with the traditions of your culture?

I’m going to start with an assumption that most of you reading this email are in the US. And for those of you who aren’t, you’ve probably visited. Then you probably won’t mind me saying: The USA is pretty odd place.

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Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Dance First Member Spotlight on Contact Improv in Costa Rica with Moti Zemelman!


This week’s Dance First Member Spotlight is from Moti Zemelman, host of the world-renowned Contact Improv Retreat in Costa Rica!

As I’m sure most dancers can attest, keeping our dance practices alive during the pandemic has been a challenge. This has been especially true for an intimate partner dance form like Contact Improvisation, which is based on touch! I’ve personally been put to the test working creatively to find safe ways to lead dances over these last two years.

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Monday Love to your Widening World


“ Whereever you go, there you are.”

 ~  Jon Kabat-Zinn

How big is your world? Where are the edges? Why is it that no matter where you are, you’re always at the center?

The human experience is a fascinating thing. You go along minding your own business in the place you call home until one day something changes and you find yourself somewhere else.

You don’t think about your home turf the same after you spend some time somewhere else. The kind of perspective you gain by looking homeward from afar is invaluable.

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Monday, November 8, 2021

The Sanctuary of Welcoming iRest® Intensive


November 23 - December 28

iRest® and The Practice of Welcoming offers life-skills in form of meditative self-inquiries that shift perspective and create new connections in our nervous system. Becoming aware of the states that keep us locked in a particular groove of reaction opens new ways of being in the world and with each other.

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Grief and Gratitude


November 13 - November 14

Grieving has to be done. It’s a physical and emotional labour, entwined with a loss of knowing.

It’s an unravelling dance, a longing song, a devastating love.

As we fall through that tangled grieving gateway, we are left with but one thing, in the tiny details of the day: we are still alive.

And that is such a miracle, so precious, that we are awash with gratitude, beyond words. 

It’s all beyond words. 

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Saturday, November 6, 2021



November 14

Calling In
Letting Out
Dropping Down
Lifting Up
Finding True
Our Listening Faces Series continues with the magical touch of Martha Peabody, soulfully tuned in Tom Schulz & Live Wire Ritual Theatre director Lorca Simons.
We welcome you to the wire in our zoom wing because magic happens everywhere.

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Into the Wild


April 30, 2022

SAMEDI 14h30 -19h

Danser la part sauvage – « Sauvage est la proximité du sacré » (Holderlin)

La danse et la musique sont nos arts premiers, jaillis de notre source la plus profonde et ancienne. Dès l’aube de l’humanité, l’homme danse et bat des rythmes pour célébrer les grands passages de la vie, pour se sentir vivant, en lien avec son groupe et le Grand Tout.

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Residential Spring Weekend


May 13, 2022 - May 15, 2022

5Rhyhtms Lente Dansweekend

residentiele retraite

Dieper duiken in de dans van de 5Ritmes in verbinding met de natuur, het weer en de elementen als metafoor om vanuit te bewegen, te groeien en te transformeren.

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April 22, 2022 - April 24, 2022

6th annual retreat. Dance & soak at Lava Hot Springs.  Save the date! Always magical!


This 5Rhythms® moving meditation workshop is open to all levels of experience. It explores how we can embody change and bring greater awareness to our interaction with it. Simple and profound, the 5Rhythms® practice will offer you valuable life tools to dance through changes with grace.

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Dance First Member Insight from Cocréa!


This week’s Dance First Member Insight is from Cocréa!

Fear is Safe.

Unraveling the paradox our mind can’t believe through listening to the body.

Hello Winter. Hello darkness. The old familiar, fertile ground from which we draw our sustenance.

In his Gene Keys contemplations, The 64 Ways, Richard Rudd, delivers this nugget, “Fear is safe.”

What a head job, hey? How does one take this paradox and apply it to one’s life?

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