Our greatest human adventure is the evolution of consciousness. We are
in this life to enlarge the soul, liberate the spirit, and light up the
color is consciousness? Does it have a texture? Is it something that
you can see, touch, hold, or even describe? When it comes to something
as ineffable as consciousness, is it possible to even put our finger on
One might say that some people are born with a higher level of it,
but that would be to assume that we aren’t all born with the same spark,
which is a dangerous assumption, indeed.
Consciousness is amorphous in many ways. It can expand and overlap
far beyond the individual. Families, romantic partnerships, businesses,
groups, and organizations can all find themselves functioning along a
shared baseline of consciousness.
One might say that consciousness rubs off on us in a way. If we are
to assume that we enter this world as tabula rasa, then consciousness is
shaped as we mature.
We are influenced at every moment by our environment in our formative
years, for better or worse. From the family unit to national customs,
we learn how the world works from our own point of view and how it is we
will engage with it.
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