Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Body + Soul Restore Yamuna + Nature Retreat


Body + Soul Restore Yamuna + Nature Retreat

This immersive experience will awaken your body to freedom and your soul to joy, in the most beautiful place on earth.

Enjoy 2 deeply restorative Yamuna Body Rolling classes daily in Danyasa’s glorious jungle sanctuary. ‘Roll to Revive’ in the morning will spark your energy and get you moving, while ‘Roll to Rest’ will calm your nervous system and aid in digestion to promote deep,


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Costa Yo Na


Retraite en Français!

Venez vivre 5 jours et 6 nuits entre méditation au bord de l’océan, découverte de l’acroyoga et yoga flow au coucher du soleil, nous vous guiderons dans des cours adaptés à tous les niveaux.

Ce séjour se veut rempli de bienveillance, de rires, de sueurs, de nature et un sentiment de profond ressourcement.


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Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Aerial Yoga Retreat & Adventure • Flight Room


We are back at Danyasa Yoga Retreat & Eco Lodge!

Join Flight Room for an amazing warm-weather adventure in Costa Rica, on our second trip to the incredible Danyasa Eco Retreat.


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Flow, Sweat and Glow • WETREAT


A unique yoga fitness and wellness retreat.

Join Jeanne & Sophie, co-founders of WETREAT for a unique yoga fitness and wellness retreat.

A week filled with exotic, stimulating and rejuvenating activities. An unforgettable experience guaranteed!

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Monday, November 27, 2023

Dance First Spotlight on Temple Body Priestess Initiation with Sofiah Thom!



A 9-Day Feminine Leadership Training at Danyasa
Eco-Retreat in Costa Rica
April 29th to May 8th

Experience the power of a truly supportive sisterhood and heal any sisterhood wounds.
Tap into embodied confidence as you feel the safety of being witnessed and expressing your essence.
Experience the depth of your feminine power through ritual dance and learn how to express your authenticity.

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Monday Love to your Gift of Giving plus Spotlight


“ Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present.”

 ~ Albert Camus

Have you had enough of Black Friday? What about Cyber Monday? Or Giving Tuesday? Is there a day of the week that has yet to be appropriated by the gods of commerce?

Well, here’s a thought. How about DIY Wednesday? Or better yet, Artisans Everyday? No matter how you slice it, and whether or not you’d like to attach a day of the week to it, it’s the season for giving and getting gifts.


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Friday, November 24, 2023



Lorca Simons



Lorca Simons
The unravelling – the revealing tale of the feet, the hips, the head, the hands and the breath – an unveiling of the truths discovered through the 5Rhythms®, one body part at a time.

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Lorca Simons & Chris Connors
Peter Fodera & Martha Peabody


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Lorca Simons & Thierry Francois
Delivering one’s self back to the artistic nature of the body.
Sculpting spirit into shape,
Writing soul into story,


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Lorca Simons & Tom Schulz
Let’s surrender our bones to the beat that can hold it all and regenerate our faith in the mystery.

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Lorca Simons & Dagmar Cee

Let’s surrender our bones to the beat that can hold it all and regenerate our faith in the mystery.

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with guest artist DJ Katydid
The spirit may be willing but the flesh and voice are sometimes tongue-tied. Yet the spirit longs to break the silence and speak from the deepest Live Wire place within us.
What words express your current state of being?
How does the voice move within the shapes of the body? How do those physical shapes breathe?


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