Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Dance First Member Insight from Leslie Merrill Schmidt & Tamalpa!


This week’s Dance First Member Insight is from Leslie Merrill Schmidt, a student of Tamalpa!

A Year of Life and Art in the Tamalpa Level 1 Online Training Program

Whenever my daughter and I play hide and seek, I know I need to hide quickly because I’ll only have until the count of 3 before the seeking begins. In a random parenting article on toddlers, I read that even though some can “count” upwards of ten through rote memorization, their tangible mathematical understanding of these numbers typically doesn’t extend beyond three. So we’re playing hide and seek, and I frantically dart behind the nearest piece of furniture, nervously awaiting the moment that I will be discovered… “1, 2, 3. Ready or not, here I come!”

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