Thursday, April 28, 2022

Dance of Oneness®: Living in Harmony



Dance to uplift yourself and raise your frequency. Our aim is to create inner and outer harmony: in ourselves, in our relationship with the Earth, with Spirit and with one another through guided and free-style dance, conscious movement, and meditation.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2022

The Magic of Embodied Metaphor: Inspire Your Fire Retreat in Point Reyes, CA


Join Conscious Dance Member and Registered Somatic Movement Educator, Kelsay Myers, and Soul-based Coach, Rebecca Eckland, for a 2-Day in-person Magic of Embodied Metaphor Retreat this summer! We will use a combination of movement, emergent collage, writing and soul-based inquiry to guide you in embodying your inner fire and help you move forward with your creative projects!

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Free Your Essence: Dance | Define | Dream


Body Positivity Podcast is hosting a 4-Day Virtual Symposium called MIND, BODY, SOUL, MOVEMENT: SHIFT YOUR RESULTS FROM THE INSIDE OUT on Wednesday – Saturday, May 18-21, 2022. Elevate Your Mind. Nourish Your Body. Unleash Your Soul.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Dance First Member Spotlight on Dr. Birgitte Tan!


This week’s Dance First Insight is from Dr. Birgitte Tan!

Tell Us a Story About  a Patient or Client Suffering From Grief and How Dance Therapy Helped

Penelope (name has been changed) had complicated grief from cumulative grief (grief overload) as well as disenfranchise grief (grief downplayed or overlooked by others) for over 40 years.  She confided that the only reason she had not committed suicide is for her disabled mother for whom she feels more and more resentment to and wishes her mother would die soon.  She revealed that she had not cried since her father left the family 35 years ago. And for 14 years since her divorce, she has lived her life day to day feeling numb like a zombie.

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Monday Love to your Path Yet Taken


“ If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading.”

 ~ Siddhārtha Gautama

Do you ever wonder about the path not taken? Have you ever considered where you might be at this very moment if you would’ve made a different decision somewhere along the way? The most important question is: How do thoughts like that make you feel?

Your thoughts are just the content. How you feel about them generates the magnetism that either leads you to what you want or repels it from you.

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Sunday, April 24, 2022

Nourish — the residential


Dance and cooking — 3-day retreat

led by Adam Barley and Maria-Carin Gala

Movement and healthy food for body and soul, supported by the beautiful Bala Brook residential centre on the wild land of Dartmoor.

Peace is an inside job, nourished by movement, wholesome foods and good company. So let’s DANCE, COOK, EAT AND CONNECT!

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July 26 - July 31

When we are facing unknown futures on every level, when we’re scared, angry or hurting — that’s when we need steady ground within us.

That’s when we need an instinct for the truth, to find our way in the dark.

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MoveOn Camp


MoveOn Camp

June 2 - June 5

Would you like some time in nature, to move and dance with a big group of people led by facilitators from different disciplines?

Adam from ZeroOne, but also there’s Movement Medicine, Contact Improv, Tantra, Qi Gong, BMC, GAGA, bodywork, breathwork and more. Wow . . .

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Friday, April 22, 2022

Fear, Power & Transformation


Fear, Power & Transformation

June 23 - June 26

Fear is real: our early warning system for danger, vital in times like these. It is primal, instinctive, and holds enormous power if we can find the courage to face it, feel it, and go through it. 

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June 11 @ 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Dance and cooking — a 1-day retreat

led by Adam Barley and Maria-Carin Gala

Peace is an inside job, greatly supported by movement, wholesome foods and good company. So let’s DANCE, COOK, EAT AND CONNECT!

We will weave together movement practice with cooking delicious plant-based and gluten-free food, feasting and story-telling

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Moving Paths June-July


May 25 @ 9:30 am - June 20 @ 12:30 pm

Using movement, meditation and speaking, we enquire into the truth of the moment: within oneself, with each other, and in the world.

You commit to a cycle of several weeks, 3 hours on a Wednesday morning. You’re with the same small group of people for that time, then it opens up to newcomers if there’s space for the next cycle.

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Thursday, April 21, 2022



April 29 - May 1
These are wild times.

We’re not just on the edge, we’re off the edge and falling.

We are being called, cajoled and catapulted into new ways of being that require us to let go of our fixed ideas of what we thought we knew. We can sense it. There’s something going on.

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#Evolution #falling #edge #catapulted #sense

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Dance First Member Spotlight on Lamara Heartwell!


This week’s Dance First Insight is from Lamara Heartwell!

When we push our bodies hard without compassion — using, abusing, exploiting, or unconsciously depleting our inner resources — we are mirroring a larger pattern of a dysfunctional relationship with Mother Earth.

This destructive pattern has become so commonplace in Western culture that we think of it as normal.

We degrade our bodies in the name of accomplishment, productivity, money, or success — to prove our worthiness.

This toxic approach can put you in a degenerative cycle of high stress, tension, and bodily pain that keeps you feeling out of balance and unable to stay present with people you love — and blocks your ability to authentically express yourself.

All it takes to step out of this unhealthy rhythm is a conscious decision to gently and lovingly regenerate your body by reconnecting it with its own intuitive ways of moving (like a baby moves) and the naturally restorative rhythms of nature.

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Monday Love to your Invisible Energy


“ There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique..”

 ~ Martha Graham

Did you know you have a superpower? You might’ve never even noticed that you have it. Well here’s a little secret. If you’re anything like me you have the power to make things invisible!

Wait a second, let’s back up a little bit. I think everyone has this power to some degree, some of us more than others. And superpower may not be precisely the right term, too much of this ability could be detrimental.

What I’m really talking about is entropy. I recently had the sudden insight that invisibility is a hidden property of entropy.

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Sunday, April 17, 2022




May 7 @ 10:00 pm

Hallo lieve dansers
Massage Dans is een zachte beweging op rustige, inspirerende muziek. We laten de dans ontstaan, zonder doel en/of intentie. We uiten ons met sensitiviteit, emotie, in vrijheid, speelsheid en creativiteit. We brengen rust en verstilling in onze dans. Massagedans is een dans van aanraken en (aan)geraakt worden.

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SoulFire: JourneyDance + Light Being Activation


May 1 @ 3:00 am - 7:00 am

Join us on Saturday, April 30th, 2022, for movement catharsis, soul activation, and vibrational transcendence at Sera Phi, a psychedelic, cosmically-infused space in Philadelphia. This event was created for Light Workers who want to explore both deeply in the dark and into the fire of their own primal energy. Leaving fear behind, we embrace our totality through surrender and enter the divine gateway within.

SoulFire: JourneyDance + Light Being Activation


May 1 @ 3:00 am - 7:00 am

Join us on Saturday, April 30th, 2022, for movement catharsis, soul activation, and vibrational transcendence at Sera Phi, a psychedelic, cosmically-infused space in Philadelphia. This event was created for Light Workers who want to explore both deeply in the dark and into the fire of their own primal energy. Leaving fear behind, we embrace our totality through surrender and enter the divine gateway within.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

God, Sex & the Body – 5Rhythms® with Alex Mackay


April 28 @ 3:00 pm - May 1 @ 8:00 pm

Metoda gibanja 5Ritmov® Gabrielle Roth
Vodi Alex Mackayy, certificirana učiteljica 5Ritmov®
“God, Sex & the Body je in vedno bo globok in sestavni del kurikuluma 5Ritmov®. Osebno je vplival na moj način bivanja, moj stil poučevanja in, najbolj globoko, na moje sprejemanje tega, kdo sem in kdo nisem.” – Gabrielle Roth
V seriji zemljevidov, ki sestavljajo plesno pot 5Ritmov®, je God, Sex & the Body iniciacija v utelešeno dušo. To je globoko osebno potovanje, praznovanje kot nobeno drugo, ritual za vroče in svete vas.

To potovanje je klic, da raztegnemo svojo domišljijo z davno pozabljeno nedolžnostjo in se premaknemo skozi spekter ženskih in moških arhetipov, da te like oblečemo v ritualno gledališče, vstopimo v njih in jim damo izraz. Nihče drug ne more biti moški ali ženska tako kot vi.

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Tuesday, April 12, 2022

CMDC’s InBloom Spring Festival!


CMDC’s InBloom Spring Festival!

April 30 @ 12:00 pm - 5:00 pm

| Free

Inspired by Sonya Renee Taylor and her book, The Body Is Not An Apology, InBloom Spring Festival is a free community offering to honor the beauty and vitality of everybody, unapologetically embrace ourselves and our bodies in a collective statement. Inbloom festival will host an array of healers, interactive art installations, vendors, meditation and a sound bath to honor and respect the body in all its authentic expressions. As we learn how to free ourselves from body shame due to toxic narratives based in racism, colonialism, limiting binaries, and patriarchal norms, and under capitalism, we create a space within ourselves and as a community to reimagine our relationships to our own body and the planet in the best way possible. Our event will take place at El Sereno Community Garden and invites community members to embrace radical self-love.

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Dance First Member Spotlight on Critical Mass Dance Company & The IN BLOOM Festival!


This week’s Dance First Insight is from Critical Mass Dance Company!

Trauma-Informed Principles in Action: Working for CMDC

Working for Critical Mass Dance Company (CMDC), I’ve witnessed and experienced trauma-informed principles for myself in a workplace for the first time in my adult life. This experience in and of itself helps me to continue to heal my relationship with being in community.

CMDC’s movement modality, Dance from the Heart (DFTH), is a trauma-informed, community-based embodiment practice designed to help people practice bringing their greatest dreams into the world. And, this trauma-informed approach extends beyond class participants to our staff as well.

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Monday Love to your Ideas and Instincts


Monday Love to your Ideas and Instincts

“ The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas.”
 ~ Linus Pauling
Let’s talk about ideas. How often do you have a really good one? How many of your ideas do you take action on? How do you decide which ones are worth it?

Well, here I go again. Listening to the radio behind the wheel and noticing something I hadn’t thought of before. These two #guys on one of the public radio weekend shows was talking about ideas. The #premise being that we may, in fact, as a society, be running out of them.

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#Monday #Instincts #Pauling #Listening #ideas

Saturday, April 9, 2022

In-Person Nia Whitebelt in Wien


In-Person Nia Whitebelt in Wien

April 30 @ 6:30 pm

Über den Nia White Belt
Die Nia Ausbildung beginnt mit dem Nia White Belt. Dieser Belt ist offen für alle. Du kannst ohne Vorkenntnisse daran teilnehmen – und direkt intensiv in Dein Nia Erlebnis eintauchen. Wenn du Nia kennenlernen, erleben oder vertiefen möchtest, bist Du hier genau richtig und jederzeit herzlich willkommen! Der Nia White Belt ist außerdem die Grundvoraussetzung und Basis, wenn du selbst Nia unterrichten möchtest. Falls Du Teacher werden willst, kannst Du nach den sieben Tagen theoretisch direkt mit eigenen Stunden beginnen.

Reboot your Soul’s Magic Women’s Retreat


June 3 @ 12:00 pm - June 5 @ 2:00 pm

This will be a magical 3-day gathering of women, diving deep into the sacredness of coming together in Sacred Circle.
This retreat will guide us deeper into supporting and adoring connection with the sacred feminine energy that flows through all of us.
Wendy creates a compassionate, safe and sacred space that invites each of us to connect heart to heart in the most authentic ways, reminding us that vulnerability is grace. Softness can be strong. That allows that emotional expression to be so damn powerful.

Re-SOURCE: Somatic journey into Contact Improv & our sensual nature. (CAMP, Zipolite, Mexico)


July 24 @ 12:00 am - July 30 @ 9:00 pm

In the gorgeous splendor of the Oaxacan coast of Mexico, we’ll explore movement, touch and presence through a variety of consensual approaches. With Contact Improvisation at the heart of our play, Authentic Movement, Blindfold Jams, Authentic Relating, The Wheel of Consent, Power-Play (sub/DOM roles), and Tantric practices will be some of the other modalities we’ll utilize to dive into the fullness of our journey to source.

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Ecstatic Dance Festival Holland | 2022 | Castle The Berckt


This 2022 edition of the Ecstatic Dance Festival is an invitation to connect to yourself, your feet, the earth, your roots, others.. and all that is or will be
Relax your body and mind, let yourself be , feel the essence of existence and move around in this magical time space place

Blue Monkey Festival 2022


July 21 @ 4:00 pm - July 25 @ 5:00 pm

Cosy Ceremonial Dance Gathering. Alcohol & substance free celebration – Join the family and get high on dance, healing practices and the love we share! ❤️
22 – 25. July 2022
Leuenberg/ Höhenland near Werneuchen.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Dance First Member Insight from Kristen Mangione & LÎLA – Dance Alchemy for the Soul!


This week’s Dance First Insight is from Kristen Mangione and LILA – Dance Alchemy for the Soul!

After two years of isolating in a completely upside-down world, what does it mean to reemerge and dance in a shared space now?

I asked others to join me in answering this question in our first in-person LÎLA Dance Alchemy for the Soul event since the pandemic began. Originally, LÎLA had been an in-person group embodiment journey, melding guided dance/movement improvisation with creative exploration while journeying through the energetic centers of the chakras and meridian systems

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Monday Love to your Catalysts of Consciousness


“ The power for creating a better future is contained in the present moment: You create a good future by creating a good present.”

 ~ Eckhart Tolle

Do you ever feel like sometimes you need a little jolt? What kind of nudge from the universe do you get that brings you into the present moment? Do you ever run across something that gives you perspective and helps you take the big picture view?

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