Sunday, May 15, 2022

Dancing the Seven Chakras 2


August 31 - September 4

We will work with the chakras, unwinding the blocked energy that may be there in the areas of sex and intimacy, friendships and family, power , work, self-respect and how you express yourself in the world. Bringing light into your self-acceptance, creativity, meditation, and feeling of belonging in this world. Through breathing, feeling, and dance expression, you will be able to expand the gifts and essential life energies in each chakra – as well as allow and cleanse the emotions that may be clouding the clarity – and joy – in your relationships, work, and self-esteem. We also will now learn about the polarities of each chakra, that give us natural opposite behaviors, for example the Giving/Receiving polarity of the heart chakra. When we understand this, we have a chance to allow this natural flow without condemning ourselves or forcing ourselves, so the suffering thus created can drop.

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