Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Dance of Oneness®: Poetry in Motion, Dance the Revolution


Monthly Live Online Workshop
Sunday, February 26 @10am-12pm PT | 6-8pm UTC

Dance mystical poetry into motion for healing yourself and our collective, for creating an inner and outer revolution. Dance to harmonize with the Earth through a full-bodied, robust dancing that makes you fully ALIVE and activates the sacred in your body and in your relationships in this tremendously challenging and creative time to be alive.

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Dance First Insight from Xian Prem & C Fit!


This week’s Monday Love Insight is from
Xian Prem & CFIT! 

Who Am I?

Early in my teens, I started inquiring, ‘Who am I?’. This quest has led me to develop CFIT Psychology, a transformational development model based on letting go of identities. I am speaking of thirty years of self-discovery, in-depth meditations, studies in India in ancient philosophies and Eastern Psychology, followed by case studies, certification trainings, and witnessing my clients.

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Monday Love to your Mindful Maintenance


“The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first
sharpen his tools.”

 ~ Confucius

Do you keep up with your maintenance? What happens if you don’t? What qualifies as maintenance anyway?

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Online Workshop: Leadership Artistry: Cultivating Meaningful Change at Work and in Life With Ken Otter


February 18 @ 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

| $50

Saturday, February 18, 2023 | 9:30am – 12:30pm Pacific Time | $50

In this experiential workshop, we explore the marriage of leadership and art through the lens and practice of the Life-Art Process. In concert with an integrative model of learning and change, we explore the power of art and the process of art making to enhance your learning and practice of leadership.

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Monday, January 30, 2023

Online Workshop: DEDICATIONS Workshop with Natan Daskal


February 26 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

| $45

Sunday, Feb. 26th | 9AM – 12PM PT | $45

Who is someone in your life who you would like to honor? Who has supported you, or been a good friend, or made life more meaningful?

We will each come to this workshop with one specific person to honor. We will come together in community to appreciate the people who have been important in our lives, and dedicate our art and dances to them. Perhaps you want to honor a best friend

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Online Workshop: Collective Creativity: A Brief Story of Its Emergence, and Its Power and Potential for Transformative Change with Ken Otter


March 25 @ 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

| $50

Saturday, March 25, 2023 | 9:30am to 12:30 pm Pacific Time |$50

This workshop tells a short story of Collective Creativity (CC) emerging from one of the world’s most innovative and generative artistic partnerships between Anna Halprin and Lawrence Halprin. In learning the history of CC, its inspirations, and various artistic explorations of the Halprins, we learn the ways in which Collective Creativity unleashes the creative power of groups to transform our lives individually and collectively.

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Saturday, January 28, 2023

Magic Moments


May 26 - May 29

5 days, 5 teachers, 5Rhythms, and your dancing feet and hearts.
This year our focus is on aliveness – sometimes little self-evident and other times endlessly fascinating and wondrous.
The 5Rhythms invite us into connection with different aspects: fluid, percussive, wild, light, still – all creating ways in which life can truly vibrate in and through us. Wave by wave we discover what is alive in us, what wants to be let go and released, what wants to pulsate and renew itself.

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May 26 - May 27

We will take a deep dive into exploring the Rhythm of Stillness, seeing how you connect to the gateway of this rhythm’s energy. Aspects of yourself that have been undercover will surface as you dance. The practice of how to meet the shadow with curiosity and activate the light with your movement will enrich your connection to living a dynamic existence!

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Indestructible Warrior


Italian Below

Indestructible Warrior

Saturday night & Sunday Day Long – €130

May 27 – 20.00 – 22.30 & May 28th – 11.00 – 18.00

COST: €130

The energy of Staccato (Warrior) is that which holds boundaries and embodies a clear ‘no’ or ‘yes’ with confidence. In this day-long lab, learn to move with focused direction by listening to the intelligence of the body.

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Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Re-enchanting our Wild Soul – An Embodied Astrology Course


Re-Enchanting our Wild Soul
Moving with your Cosmology
An Embodied Astrology Course
With Kate-Marie Mutsaers and Marg Murphy
“As personalised as each journey is, we all touch the same foundational truth of existence” Mark Nepo
The last few years have generated some threads of dis-enchantment, as some of our worldly and personal patterns have been one of separation, desolation and isolation.

A New Dawn – A Live Ecstatic Dance Experience with Henk van Glabbeek


February 3

Deze – Live Ecstatic Dance Experience – is een wat langere avond met een werkelijk diepere beleving. Een Ecstatic Dance Breda Special met een bijzondere touch.

5Rhythms® Portola Valley


5Rhythms® Portola Valley

February 5 @ 5:30 am - 7:00 am

“The fastest way to still the mind is to move the body.” – Gabrielle Roth
Created by Gabrielle Roth, 5Rhythms is a dynamic movement practice – a practice of being in your body – that ignites creativity, connection and community. While seemingly a simple process, the 5Rhythms practice facilitates deep and unending explorations, moving the dancer beyond self-imposed limitations and isolation into new depths of creativity and connection.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Tai Chi Masterclass with David-Dorian Ross


January 21 @ 4:00 am - 5:15 am

Enjoy the Japanese Tea Garden while doing Tai Chi with a U.S. and World Record-holding Tai Chi master! David-Dorian Ross will show you that Tai Chi is one of the best avenues to reaching the Flow state (also known as Satori)—and that you don’t need any experience to enjoy the process. All skill levels are welcome! You will learn the basics of Tai Chi, why the Flow state is important to your mental, physical, and spiritual health…and much more.
David-Dorian will be imparting lessons that he exclusively teaches in person, so be sure to take this opportunity to actively learn how a few short minutes can bring you to a state of clarity and joy that has helped thousands of people for hundreds of years. In partnership with The Synergy Studio.

The LEAP – Integrating Lower & Higher Self


The LEAP – Integrating Lower & Higher Self

February 4 @ 7:00 pm - February 9 @ 2:00 am

Align with your highest potential.
Embark on the journey of personal healing and transformation. This Program is called by participants the express train for awakening love!

Integrating Lower & Higher Self is a module of The Leap – Embodied Awakening Program. Join and be carried through a powerful year of transformation that will align you with your highest potential.

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Dance First Insight from Cathy Ryan & Open Floor!



Cathy Ryan and Open Floor!

At the age of 19, after an intensive and wonderful two year’s actor training at the Samuel Beckett Centre, Trinity College, Dublin I spent many years working as an actor. I worked with Philippe Gaulier, Theatre De Complicite, Theatre Du Soleil and the Corn Exchange, drawn to the physicality of being present through an awake and receptive body, ready to respond, listen, embody and share different aspects of the human being as an actor.

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Monday, January 16, 2023

Monday Love to your Patience and Progress


“Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while we’re waiting.”

 ~ Joyce Meyer

Remember to breathe! How many times have you heard that advice? How often do you take it?

Breath is one of those things that’s easy to not think about. Right up there with gravity and the air that we breathe.

Because it’s ubiquitous, we hardly give it a second thought. If you are alive, you are breathing, and if you’re not, you’re not. So, aside from a few moments here and there, the act of breathing is synonymous with our life force in general.

While your breathing goes along pretty much unnoticed a great deal of the time, there are any number of things that can affect it in a hurry. Obviously, it speeds up when you’re exerting yourself and slows down when you relax or fall asleep.

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Thursday, January 12, 2023

Embodied Awakening NEW Workshop | Zurich


February 17 @ 11:00 pm - February 19 @ 9:00 pm

| Fr340

The Embodied Awakening MOVEMENT

The time to experience Embodied Awakening has come …

Awaken to the truth of who you really are! A soul having an embodied experience to learn and grow. A soul who has chosen to be on Earth at this time to contribute to the evolutionary process and transition to a new way of living together based on love, not fear and union, not separation.

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Awakening Embodiment Workshop | Munich


March 17 @ 11:30 pm - March 19 @ 8:30 pm

Embodiment is allowing our heart, mind, and body to exist as one miraculous skin.

“Awakening Embodiment” is a process of reconnecting to a felt sense of self, tending to the numb layers and awakening the innate sensitivity of the body. It is a journey of relaxation and release, deep listening and honouring what our internal navigation system is showing us. Using movement combined with a psycho-spiritual approach, we will come back home to ourselves and experience the beauty and fullness of embodiment.

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Live Wednesday Class


March 22 @ 11:00 pm

Drop in with Amara! Come together in dance!

Join the monthly class with Amara. It is a space for us to gather as a community and dance. Is a time to restore the flow of energy in our bodies, release accumulated tensions and feel the joy and freedom of movement.

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Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Dance First Spotlight on Believe Music Heals!


Happy New Year, Dancers!

I want to tell you about Believe Music Heals, which award-winning singer/songwriter/voice coach Essence Goldman launched to transform lives through music. This is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to bringing healing and hope through music to those who need it most, offering programs to people experiencing hardship and distress and those with chronic and terminal illnesses.

Check out this wonderful article by Giuseppe Ricapito in Jan. 4th’s Marin IJ.

If you’re interested in finding out more about Believe Music Heals for yourself or for someone you know, please email Essence at essence@believemusicheals.com. Also, for this nonprofit to succeed so they can help more people at no cost to them, BMH really needs your support. Thank you so much if you can donate or please let Essence know if you wish to get involved!

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“ Support and encouragement are found in the most unlikely places.”

 ~ Raquel Cepeda

How often do you stop to think about the people who are your supporters in one way or another? If you’re contributing creatively to society somehow, then you probably have a constellation of folks who either support or encourage or promote or help you along in life in some way or another.

All sorts of actions can become wind in your sails. Any number of things can qualify as support. Sometimes it’s just a kind word of encouragement. Maybe it’s someone who appreciates your creativity buying a work of your art. The person who signs your paycheck. Folks who show up to your class or training on a regular basis. Members of your association! Buyers of your book! Fans of your music!

Sometimes the people who are behind you are your personal friends, people you know on a first name basis who have your phone number or show up in person. Support can come from someone completely anonymous, hiding behind a cryptic username or handle.

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Sunday, January 1, 2023

Dancers Awakening Love Retreat Kisslegg, Germany


June 22 @ 10:00 pm - June 25 @ 3:00 pm

Dive into the healing waters of the dance and the experience of awakening love!

Come to cultivate embodiment, feel the fullness of you, turn on the lights, embrace the shadows and awaken to the truth of who you really are.

We will utilize the body’s intelligence to feel and integrate our experiences so that we emerge more available to life and love.


Azul Teacher Retreat


July 1 @ 10:00 pm - July 5 @ 3:00 pm

The Teachers Retreat is an annual event for Teachers of Azul to gather and be together. It is a time to receive inspiration and training to support their work with Azul. And provides an opportunity to be nourished and held in the current of Azul.