Monday, January 16, 2023

Monday Love to your Patience and Progress


“Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while we’re waiting.”

 ~ Joyce Meyer

Remember to breathe! How many times have you heard that advice? How often do you take it?

Breath is one of those things that’s easy to not think about. Right up there with gravity and the air that we breathe.

Because it’s ubiquitous, we hardly give it a second thought. If you are alive, you are breathing, and if you’re not, you’re not. So, aside from a few moments here and there, the act of breathing is synonymous with our life force in general.

While your breathing goes along pretty much unnoticed a great deal of the time, there are any number of things that can affect it in a hurry. Obviously, it speeds up when you’re exerting yourself and slows down when you relax or fall asleep.

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