Friday, May 31, 2024

Touching Essence™ 200-Hour Training


August 11 - August 16

Springtime Greetings,

to all  Presence-Based and Embodied Healing Artists, Bodyworkers, Breathworkers and Somatic Artists

We write to invite, to entice, and to beckon you to join us for our inaugural program in Hamburg, offering a modular training in Touching Essence™, a multi-cultural, multi-sensory, neo-shamanic approach to healing through Touch.  Using our map of the 8 chakras, our map of 12 meridians, 34 specifically selected essential oils, and  Nada (sound) yoga, mantra and song, we practice the laying on of hands in support of energetic, physical, emotional, spiritual and soul connection and healing. We focus, in the physical touch arena, in supporting release of old, welcoming new and opening to experiencing the pleasure of safe and skilled touch.

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