Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Monday Love to your Precious Patience


“ Rivers know this: There is no hurry. We shall get there some day.”

 ~ Winnie-the-Pooh

You have a limit. Everyone does. If you’re reasonably lucky, and keep your wits about you, you shouldn’t get pushed to there too often. But despite your best laid plans, your good karma, and your better instincts, once in a while life will place you in a situation where you have no control. In other words, sometimes your patience will be put to the test. When that happens, what do you do?

When your patience is tested, it’s easy to start losing things. Your cool, for instance. When it starts to go, you might find your temper replacing it. But anger is like a blunt hammer that rarely hits the nail on the head. You’re more likely to wind up with a sore thumb instead.

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