Saturday, July 31, 2021

Blue Monkey Festival 2021


Cosy Ceremonial Dance Festival. Alcohol free celebration – Get high on the love we share! ❤️
06. – 10. Aug. 2021
Leuenberg/ Höhenland near Werneuchen.
For the exact location please check the location given above in the Facebook Event.
If you have a ticket you will receive more info by the end of this week via e-mail.

It’s a 4 hectar venue with lots of space to camp. There is a beautiful forest and a bathing lake with a sandy beach just next to the area

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Geannuleerd: DJ Ryan Herr + Dhyan Kavita


Langere avond. Uitsluitend vooraf online reserveren. Max 35 tickets!
Een speciale avond met enkel muzikale toppers:
DJ Ryan Herr: Multi-instrumentalist, componist, dj en producer én Dhyan Kavita : Singer song writer, multi-instrumentalist, musician from the heart, poetrist & soul dancer.

Sacred Sensual Dance Workshop


Live & Online Workshop for women
Sunday August 8th
4-6pm Bali time

In this playful workshop you will:
💫Learn new movements & techniques
💫Drop into your feminine essence

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Tasting Life in This Moment


Join us for an in-depth introduction to Breema Bodywork, Self-Breema exercises, and Breema’s unifying philosophy. We will learn and practice exercises and partner bodywork sequences that are simple enough for total beginners, yet profound enough to engage even the most seasoned students. We will highlight Breema’s Nine Universal Principles of Harmony as we discover their indispensable role and invaluable support in Breema Bodywork (and in every aspect of our lives).

The power of the Unbroken, Movement Medicine


Welkom! Tijdens deze vaste groep van 5 maandelijkse lessen, leren we de Ongebrokenheid van het Leven in onszelf te herkennen, het te belichamen en er een persoonlijke relatie mee op te bouwen. We dansen en gebruiken oefeningen van Movement Medicine om te ontdekken hoe aarde, vuur, water en lucht in ons bewegen, hoe ze ons steunen en inspireren. Om Aarde, Vuur, Water en Lucht in onszelf te herkennen, zodat het Ongebrokene een bron van kracht, inspiratie en support kan zijn in ons dagelijks leven.

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Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Move! Movement Medicine met Ben Yeger


Move! Movement Medicine met Ben Yeger

October 15

Welkom bij deze open avond.
Deze avond is een eenvoudige en inspirerende kennismaking met Movement Medicine, een bewegingsmeditatie die je helpt gronden en je optilt, geworteld in de traditie van extatische dans.

In deze les leer je:

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Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Dance from the Heart – Moving with the New Moon in Leo


Dance from the Heart – Moving with the New Moon in Leo

August 10 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm PDT

| Free – $55

Craving a nurturing sacred container to explore new moon magic in August? Join us in an evening of grounding, centering, dance, and meditation as we move through and invoke the sacred elements to support our greatest, highest healing.

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Dance First Member Insight from Dialogical Persona founder Kelsay Myers!


This weeks Dance First Member Insight is from Dialogical Persona founder Kelsay Myers!

My name is Kelsay, and I am a professional writer, artist, and somatic movement educator living in Marin County, CA. I’m passionate about personal and social transformation through embodiment and expressive arts. I stand for self-expression in all of its forms: embodied, spiritual, written, and living.

Born in Busan, South Korea, and relinquished at birth, I was adopted by a close and loving family and raised in West Michigan. Often, I write and speak about being a Korean adoptee because it is the space I exist in at all times. It can be painful having one’s initial entry into the world be an unendurable sense of abandonment and loss: of a mother, a home, a country, and a culture, even of my original name, Jin Jung Mee. Sometimes, I can feel that sadness envelop me, and I will look down at my hands. All I can grasp is the emptiness as a lifetime’s worth of sorrow slips through the spaces between my fingers. Conscious dance, writing, soul work, and self-inquiry through the embodied healing arts have allowed me to claim a space for myself where I can feel whole again.

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Monday Love to your Vision and Virtue


“First, say to yourself what you would be; then do what you have to do.”

 ~ Epictetus

Have you ever wished life came with instructions? Where are all the answers anyway? Would you like to have a “manual for living”?

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Saturday, July 24, 2021

Safe and Free to Be Who You Are: An artful exploration of finding safety and freedom within yourself


August 15 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm PDT

| $25 – $45

Do you lack clarity about what you would like your life to look like?
Do you feel inhibitions when it comes to expressing yourself creatively?
Does it feel unsafe to be truly yourself in your day-to-day life and relationships?

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Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Dance First Member Insight from Earthdance Retreat!


This weeks Dance First Member Insight is from Earthdance Retreat in Massachusetts!

Earthdance is an arts organization and retreat center hosting workshops, artist retreats, and community programming surrounding the flow of movement and sustainability. Our organization began in 1986 when a group of dancers and artists in Boston joined together to cultivate a place for creative expression. Eventually, we blossomed into Earthdance, a thriving center that focuses on a dynamic mix of dance,

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Monday Love to your Pressing Priorities


“I never put off till tomorrow what I can possibly do – the day after.”

 ~ Oscar Wilde

Have you ever put something off for a later day? Postponed something until “the time is right”? Dare we say – procrastinated?

There are a million reasons why one might choose to wait until a later date to accomplish one thing or another, but the big ones boil down to just a few. Let’s start with avoidance. If it’s something that’s no fun, then stalling makes the present moment far more pleasant.

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Saturday, July 17, 2021

Summer Breema Workshop in Colorado


August 7 @ 6:00 am - August 9 @ 1:00 am UTC-6

Breema bodywork and Self-Breema exercises facilitate a direct experience of harmony and unity. The body responds to this experience by releasing tension. Our mind and feelings respond to it by letting go of fear and anxiety, as they connect to a deep inner knowledge of the essentially benevolent nature of life. The desire for meaning is reawakened, and with it, a new enthusiasm for living life.
In the atmosphere created in a Breema workshop, we experience a tangible sense of belonging and well-being that nourishes the body, mind, and feelings.

Release in the Rhythms


Release in the Rhythms

August 7

| Free
$60 /$40 financially challenged

Dance practice often delivers us to fluidity, power and release. The default shapes and patterns, a lifetime of unconscious accumulation—structural, emotional, mental—hold many stories. How, where, why do I hold on to stress? Join Erik & Bella for a playful informative practice that will shift your dance in an effortless way.

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Dance your Natural Rhythm – Space to Practice your Dance


This dance is an invitation to move; big or small, on every level.
Wat jouw ‘dance-practice’ ook is (5 rhythms, movement medicine, soulmotion, open floor, biodanza, ecstatic dance, ..), hier is ze welkom om gedanst te worden. We dansen op inspirerende, kleurrijke muziek, die afwisselend uitnodigt om dicht bij jezelf te blijven, te genieten, uitbundig te bewegen en te verstillen.

Live Worldpercussion at the dancefloor


Dans zoals je voelt, op de helende en inspirerende klanken van akoestische live wereldpercussie.
Een soundhealing in beweging.
Door Kundabuffi en gastmuzikanten.
Muzikanten en dansers ontmoeten elkaar in de spontaniteit en magie van het moment.
Aan het begin van de avond genieten we klankschalen en klanken van instrumenten van over de hele wereld, van waaruit we langzaam in beweging komen om onszelf tot expressie te brengen in een vrije ritmische danssessie voor de rest van de avond.
Klank en ritme als ervaringsveld voor je innerlijke beleving en als drijfkracht voor de uitdrukking van jezelf.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Ecstatic Woods – Your Deeper Nature : Conscious Workshops & Ecstatic Dance


August 28

Deze dag wordt georganiseerd door Ecstatic Dance Breda en Yoga Studio Origa. een mini-retreat voor slechts 18 deelnemers.
Het thema voor vandaag is Your Deeper Nature. Verbind jezelf authentiek met de natuur die je in je draagt en met alles om je heen. Gun jezelf deze dag met een workshop – Authentic Movement – met natuurelementen, een wandeling in de omliggende landerijen met onderweg meditaties en ter afsluiting een heerlijke Ecstatic Dance.

RelaxPansion Fest 2021, Inspiration, Come Unity, Inclusivity


September 11 @ 6:00 am - September 14 @ 11:00 am EDT

SPECIAL UPDATE BULLETIN: THESE DATES HAVE NOW RELAXPANDED TO SEPT 10-13, 2021 Plan your return to Ashland for RelaxPansion Fest 2021 — Final lineup to be announced … & YOU!
Tickets soon at Jackson WellSprings Office & Music Coop Downtown Ashland + online NOW via BrightStar Live Events:…/relaxpansion…; Early Bird prices include Monday Post-Fest for FREE)

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Thursday, July 15, 2021

Quest for a Meaningful Life w/ Evangelos & Nishta -5 day exclusive retreat on Lake Orta, Italy


September 12 @ 4:30 pm - September 17 @ 7:00 pm EDT

By looking through the outermost filter of our life, we begin to peel back the first layer of the onion. The outer filter being money and survival – food, clothing, shelter and medicine, a fundamentally important layer. We predominantly organize ourselves first and foremost from this survival/money perspective yet too often get stuck there, losing track of what we came to give and receive on earth.

Rumi, the poet, said:

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The Medicine of Movement, vaste groep


The Medicine of Movement, vaste groep

September 17 @ 10:30 pm EDT

Welkom bij deze vaste groep, waarin we maandelijks zullen dansen, beginnend op 17/9, 22/10, 19/11 en 17/12.
Max.16 plaatsen beschikbaar.
Deze lessenreeks is een introductie van de fundamentele oefeningen van Movement Medicine. Een gelegenheid om Movement Medicine te leren kennen als het nieuw voor je is, ofwel dieper in de oefeningen te duiken als je het al kent.

Reunite : Workshop 5 Rythmes Brussels


September 25 @ 5:00 pm - September 26 @ 8:30 pm EDT

Information in English:
« Libérer notre pouvoir au travers des 5 Rythmes et de leurs ombres»
Tout d’abord, nous trouverons des ressources pour être présents et à l’écoute dans le corps, le cœur et le mental. En explorant en profondeur les 5 Rythmes à la découverte de leur énergie et leurs trésors cachés, nous les laisserons nous enseigner leur médecine: fluidité, focus, abandon, liberté créative et connexion.

Ecstatic Dance Facilitator and DJ Training – Online Course


September 28 @ 5:00 pm - September 30 @ 10:00 pm EDT

Self Paced. Flexible to your own free time
100 Hours Online Training with Certificate of Completion
80% Facilitator Training – 20% DJ / Sound Management Training
Private members facebook group. Accessible 24 x 7.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Returning Home


December 19 @ 7:00 pm - December 23 @ 1:00 pm EST

At the darkest point of the year, we invite you to join us at the beautiful Waldhaus Zentrum in the foothills of the Swiss Alps to reflect on and digest all that we have lived through in the previous twelve months. Nurtured by our stunning surroundings, we will follow the energy of the season and let go, let be, and see what needs to be seen in the darkness of the winter. Tuning in to the silent wisdom in our cells, we will sense what longs to emerge through us in the coming year. We will plant the seeds of these dreams in the fertile ground of the dance, bringing them into being through movement, art and ritual.

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Phoenix Retreat – online version


please note: dates and details will be published 6 weeks before the event’s start via the 21-Gratitudes Study Hub. If you are not a Hub-member and want to receive updates, please subscribe on the wait list.

The Phoenix process is designed to catalyse you into a new level of awareness, enabling you to assume responsibility for and commitment to living your life in alignment with your deepest purpose. It is also a gateway for those who wish to take part in our Apprenticeship Programme.

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En-Tranced: Walking Between the Worlds


May 14, 2022 @ 10:00 am - May 15, 2022 @ 5:00 pm CEST

En-Tranced: Walking Between the Worlds

with Ya’Acov Darling Khan

The Inner Shaman walks between the worlds of so-called dream and so-called reality. They are an enigmatic character, living out on the edge of the psyche, conversing with the spirits, entranced by the artistry and mystery of life. They are lifelong students of this intelligence as it moves through nature, the human body- heart-mind and the systems and structures that shape our experience of life.

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In the Mirror of Thee – Movement Medicine Vision Quest


In the Mirror of Thee – Movement Medicine Vision Quest

June 7, 2022 @ 5:00 pm - June 13, 2022 @ 1:00 pm EDT

Let Nature Be your Mirror, Let Nature Lead the Dance

On the path towards fulfillment, there comes a time when our focus expands from personal healing to include the creative task of finding and deepening our offering back to life. We call this transition ‘vision quest time’.

An ancient ceremony, practised in many different cultures around the world, the vision quest opens the doorway to profound insights about ourselves and our place in the world. Following in this sacred tradition, In the Mirror of Thee will transport you from the complexity and pressures of your daily life to the raw simplicity of the wilderness, where you will be able to commune with and see yourself reflected in the mirror of the natural world. This process will support you to take stock of your life, nourishing the seeds you have already planted and enabling you to commit to the full manifestation of your being and your dreams in the future.

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Who Are You Now ?


Who Are You Now ?

June 3, 2022 @ 7:00 pm - June 5, 2022 @ 5:00 pm EDT

| $21 – $345

Who are you now?

Our sense of self is a blend of unique essence with biographical, cultural and transgenerational history. On our journey towards integrating the dance into our day-to-day life, we must continually update the inner picture of who we are now. If we do not, we will continue to enrol each other into the undigested and unconscious stories of the past in a vain attempt to complete those unfinished gestalts. This causes all of us, and the life that we share this planet with, untold suffering.

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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Online Series: Body Mapping ~ with Natan Daskal


September 3 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am PDT

| $60

4 Fridays: September 3-24, 10-11:30AM PDT

Each part of our bodies is unique: each has developed specific functions, moves in particular ways, and has its own stories to tell and dances to dance. In this 4-part series, we focus on a new area of the body each week. For each body part, we study anatomy and body mechanics, we explore its movement somatically, and we allow its wisdom to express through drawing, creative writing, and dance. By exploring our anatomy experientially and artistically, we connect more deeply with our bodies, creativity, and lived experience.

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Online Workshop: Singing Body ~ with Dohee Lee


September 18 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm PDT

| $40

Saturday, September 18, 10:00AM-1:00PM PDT

This workshop pulls from Dohee Lee’s training and practice in Korean Shamanism and performative ritual by utilizing techniques that connect to voice, body, heartbeat and spirit. How we tune our bodies through sound, movement and rhythm, guides us to navigate and delve deeper into our individual and collective roots, cultural heritages, natural environments and social consciousness.

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Dance First Member Insight from Open Floor facilitator Claire Alexander.


This week’s Dance First Members’ Spotlight shines on our entire revered family of Dance First members! It’s our honor and privilege to serve such a dynamic and high-vibration community of leaders around the world!

Starting out with long-time the pioneering Tamalpa Institute . From the Life/Art Process to the Tamalpa ArtCorps, they’re cultivating Anna and Daria Halprin’s family movement wisdom far and wide… Oakland-based Breema Center is creating connection around the globe with the Nine Principles of Harmony… The 5Rhythms of Gabrielle Roth are in good hands as her son Jonathan Horan carries the torch to the farthest edges of the map… Azul’s Amara Pagano

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Monday Love to your Source of Simplicity


“ Living simply makes loving simple.”

 ~ bell hooks

Do you practice ‘spring cleaning’? Which is easier for you: accumulating things or clearing stuff out? When it comes to stuff, just how much is enough?

Well, it must be something about the bright rays of sunshine and the lengthening days that light a fire under folks to tackle cleanup projects big and small. Entropy and inertia are fundamentally related, it’s one of those pesky laws of nature that makes it so that when you set something down somewhere it stubbornly stays there until something comes along to move it.

If it happens to land in one of those in-between spots that have no real purpose or intention assigned, it will exert some mysterious gravitational force to attack another wayward object, and then another, till next thing you know that corner or counter or seldom-used surface is simply piled high with junk.

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Thursday, July 8, 2021

Online Special Event – Honoring Anna Halprin: Memorial screening of “Returning Home”


July 13 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm PDT

| Free

In honor of what would be Anna Halprin’s 101st birthday there will be a special ONLINE memorial screening of Returning Home by Andrew Abrahams, filmmaker and longtime collaborator of Anna’s. Grand Jury Award winner at the Dance on Camera Film Festival, Returning Home is a testament to the power of connecting the human and earth bodies, as an 80-something-year-old Halprin dances along thresholds of nature and finds lessons in aging, loss, and liberation.

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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

2021 Virtual National Dance Education Conference


October 7 @ 6:00 pm - October 11 @ 9:00 am EDT

Join us for the 23rd Annual National Dance Education Organization Conference
TELLING OUR STORIES: The Essentiality of Dance Education in Changing Times

The last year has irrevocably changed the landscape of dance education. While the pandemic has challenged the ability to teach dance in familiar ways, we remain certain that dance education is essential to students’ physical, social, cognitive, and emotional health.

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DANCE, PRAY, LOVE – A journey to yourself in magical Morocco | Retreat de luxe


November 14 @ 10:00 pm - November 20 @ 4:00 pm UTC+0

(Deutsch siehe unten)
Slow Travel Morocco invites you to a very special trip in the hinterland of Essaouira, on Morocco’s West Coast:

Spend 7 days with a small group of only 8 participants in our beautiful private villa “Basmah” at the boutique hotel “Le Jardin des Douars” and learn to reconnect with yourself and your inner wisdom in daily Open Floor Movement Meditation sessions with international facilitator Tamara Romaniuk. 

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Relax Into Being: The Costa Rica Retreat


February 5, 2022 @ 6:00 pm - February 13, 2022 @ 6:00 am CST

A tropical retreat led by Zuza & Scott Engler: a week of wonder at the meeting point of jungle and sea at Blue Spirit Costa Rica.
With movement sessions offered daily on a spacious schedule – to dance wildly and luxuriate in micro-movements, to listen inside and express what moves us – we will create together a safe space for relaxation, connection, and ease.
We will move and be moved, speak from the heart, laugh from the belly, and – last not least – take frequent naps.

Certificate Program in the Laban Bartenieff Movement System


April 30, 2022 @ 12:00 pm EDT

Do you wish to:
– become an embodied movement analyst and an expert in LBMS?
– become a somatic educator / therapist?
– incorporate an embodied movement vocabulary?
– gain movement knowledge and language that supports scientific movement research?
– study, experience, research, discuss and delve into practice with all aspects of human

Dance Retreat in Costa Rica 2022


June 12, 2022 @ 6:00 am - June 18, 2022 @ 10:00 pm CST

The total cost options include;
-7 nights of BEAUTIFUL accommodations (pricing based on room choice)
-DANCES and CLASSES with Mia E. Pem, Lisa DeLand and O’skar Madera
-3 delicious, vegetarian meals a day
-direct access to the three-mile-long white sand beach along the Pacific Ocean, Guiones Beach.
-the luxury of a Saltwater Infinity Pool.
-a week of soaking up the BLUE ZONE energy for your longevity

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Tuesday, July 6, 2021

5Rhythms Shadow & Light (Heartbeat In Training)


5Rhythms Shadow & Light (Heartbeat In Training)

September 24 - September 26

Dancing the 5Rhythms is a practice—a dynamic way to both workout and to meditate in the same breath. They teach us that life is energy in motion, freeing us from any fixed notions about people, places, objects or ideas.

They say that a picture tells a thousand words. One deep dance tells millions.

In dancing 5Rhythms you can unearth a freestyle movement vocabulary rooted in unexpected, fresh ways of moving—visceral and highly personal.

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September 24 - September 26

INTIMACY – is a 5Rhythms week end workshop led by Silvija Tomcik level Heartbeat in Bologna.

In this workshop the invitation is to find the intimacy with our fear of being our own true self, vulnerable and strong and exploring how that is affecting our meeting with another soul.

The more intimate we can be with our body and its movements, the more we are creating a good ground for intimacy with our heart and its movements.

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The Deepening


September 22 - September 26

5 Day Programme – for those who…

  • have fallen in love with the dance
  • are ready to take it further and dive deeper
  • or are considering stepping onto the teaching path

The Deepening, Residential Waves Intensive is a deep dive into the primary teaching of the 5 Rhythms – how to surrender to the flow of our own energy through dance, enabling us to recover that vital spontaneity. When intensively pursued, this simple exploration rapidly brings us face to face with our inhibitions, our masks and other defences we have taken on.

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September 17 - September 19

Eigentlich hatte ich 3 Wochenenden vorgesehen, nun sind es nur noch 2 Wochenenden. Der 1. Termin musste ich aufgrund von Corona abgesagen. Aber wenn wir eins gelernt haben durch Corona, immer schön im Fluss bleiben und geschmeidig und flexibel. Auch das Thema könnte nicht besser passen: Vertrauen+Mut, Freiheit. Der Workshop war ja schon für 2020 angesetzt, aber in diesen unsicheren Zeiten bekommt das Thema noch eine ganz andere Note. Ja, im Endeffekt haben wir nur unseren inneren Kompass, die Basis dafür ist VERTRAUEN, in unser Höheres Selbst, das sich nur durch unsere Intuition sich zeigen kann. Wenn wir diese Innere Stimme wahrnehmen, dann braucht es den MUT ihr zu folgen. Genau dies bedeutet innere FREIHEIT leben.

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God, Sex & The Body


September 23 - September 26

“God Sex and the Body is and always will be a profound and integral part of the 5Rhythms® curriculum. It has personally informed my way of being, my teaching style, and, most deeply, my acceptance of who I am and who I am not.” — Gabrielle

In the series of maps that comprise the dancing path of the 5Rhythms®, God, Sex and the Body is an initiation into being an embodied soul. It is a deeply personal journey, a celebration like no other, a ritual for the hot and holy you.

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Monday, July 5, 2021

Dance First Member Insight from Adam Barley, creator of ZeroOne


This weeks Dance First Member Insight is from Adam Barley, creator of ZeroOne.

We begin walking around the room, as we’ve done so many times before, finding our feet, getting our bearings, noticing each other. We’re in Nicosia, Cyprus, and many of the dancers here know each other from other workshops, as well as socially.

There’s a strange new atmosphere here, though – an odd mix of familiar practice together and something new that none of us know how to navigate. Some people need to keep their distance, nervous about being here at all; others are longing to get physical with each other. There’s relief and joy at being together again for the first time since last year, but there’s also a simmering frustration, fear, and a whole load of grief.

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Monday Love to your Defining Moments


“Being alive is not a miracle , feeling alive is.”

 ~ Amit Abraham

When do you feel the most ‘alive’? What causes those moments when your life force reaches a higher plane? Can you imagine what life must be like for people who never experience truly sublime moments of existence?

Think about it. Going through life is like swimming through the water of consciousness. Once in a while something happens or you do something extraordinary or some quirky combination of circumstances occur and you’re thrust upward out of your normal depth and you get a brief breath of the rarified air above.

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Mirrors of the Soul: A Tamalpa Life/Art Workshop Experience


Mirrors of the Soul: A Tamalpa Life/Art Workshop Experience

August 1 @ 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm PDT

| Free

I invite you to join me in a fun, totally FREE 2.5 hour Tamalpa Life/Art Process® (TLAP) Workshop Experience! The exercises I use open up your curiosity, invite your imagination to come out and play and allow you to come face to face with your whole self!

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