Monday, July 5, 2021

Dance First Member Insight from Adam Barley, creator of ZeroOne


This weeks Dance First Member Insight is from Adam Barley, creator of ZeroOne.

We begin walking around the room, as we’ve done so many times before, finding our feet, getting our bearings, noticing each other. We’re in Nicosia, Cyprus, and many of the dancers here know each other from other workshops, as well as socially.

There’s a strange new atmosphere here, though – an odd mix of familiar practice together and something new that none of us know how to navigate. Some people need to keep their distance, nervous about being here at all; others are longing to get physical with each other. There’s relief and joy at being together again for the first time since last year, but there’s also a simmering frustration, fear, and a whole load of grief.

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