Monday, February 28, 2022

Monday Love to our Ukrainian Kin


“ Man’s capacity for justice makes democracy possible, but man’s inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary.”

 ~ Reinhold Niebuhr

Do you ever avoid talking about the elephant in the room?

Well, I’m not going to do that today. The fact is, we are one big global family, and some of our kinfolk are wrapped up in a big ruckus right now that we can’t ignore.

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Sunday, February 27, 2022

Journey of The Soul – Full Moon Cacao Ceremony, 5Rhythms, Gong Bath


March 19 @ 11:00 pm

Journey of the soul

We invite you to immerse into the journey of 5rhythms dance, gong bath and cacao ceremony. Experience the full moon in a transformative evening of?ceremonial cacao, therapeutic dance, visual art and healing sounds

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JUICY – Stage 5Rythmes® niveau Heartbeat


April 2 @ 2:00 pm - April 3 @ 7:30 pm

“JUICY” Niveau Heartbeat avec Silvija Tomčik
PARIS 2-3 Avril 2022
**English below**

Nous commencerons ce stage en libérant l’énergie de vie de notre corps physique et en accueillant nos mouvements physiques. Nous continuerons ensuite en libérant l’énergie de vie de notre corps émotionnel, de notre cœur et en accueillant nos mouvements émotionnels.

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Summer intensive butoh dance workshop with Ezio Tangini


Summer intensive butoh dance workshop with Ezio Tangini

July 4 @ 2:00 pm - July 17 @ 8:00 pm

—-the Gate—-
Butoh Centre Versilia
Workshop led by Ezio Tangini
Torre del Lago-Viareggio, 4h – 22nd July 2022
From Monday 4th July till Friday 22nd July
h 11,00 – 13,00 first part (body training)
light lunch (not included in the common expenses)
h 14,00 – 17,00 second part (dance)
From one to three weeks.

Conscious Dance FESTIVAL (online edition)


Life is full of unexpected surprises. Who would have imagined that after so long we would still be using masks and keeping social distance. Many of those magical places where we meet to heal through dance and meditation are still or again paused. Now more than ever we need to dance and celebrate life, as this will help us to find ground under our feet, get in touch with ourselves, and light a spark in our hearts. Therefore, we are bringing a mini edition of the Conscious Dance Festival back to your living room.

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Thursday, February 24, 2022

Tamalpa Recommends: Online Tamalpa Introduction with Audicia Lynne Morely


Tamalpa Recommends: Online Tamalpa Introduction with Audicia Lynne Morely

February 26 @ 10:30 am - February 27 @ 5:30 pm

| $165.00 – $200.00

Saturday – Sunday, February 26-27, 10:30AM – 5:30PM GMT | £165.00 – £200.00

A two day online introduction to the Tamalpa Life Art Process®

Tamalpa Introduction weekend, online with Audicia Lynne Morley RSMT/RSME.

This two day online workshop is designed to give participants an experiential understanding and introduction of our work in movement-based expressive arts.

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Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Dance First Member Spotlight on Karina Pais!


This week’s Dance First Member Insight is from Karina Pais!

Since I was a little girl, I remember always being drawn to dancing. It was my way of expressing something more profound than the words I could pronounce at that early age. I felt so connected with dancing that I thought that was what I wanted to do: to be a dancer. I did not know if I would fit the average standards of a ballerina or any other type of dancer. I just knew that was what I loved, and when I started asking around, at some point, I was told that was not possible for me since I had flat feet.
I must have been around seven or eight years old, and it was a turning point in my childhood. I knew I had this need to express myself creatively, and since dance was out of the question, I turned to fine arts. That became my life. I am now an artist. I have the life of such, with the art projects, the exhibits, the artwork, but I never stopped dancing. Why? Because that has always been the quickest and truest way to express myself and to connect deeply inside.

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Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Monday Love to your Joyful Journeys


“ Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts.
Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.”

 ~ Mark Twain

Do you ever get so busy you forget what you’re doing?

Sometimes you can see it in another person‘s face. Just the other day I was in the office of someone I work with and I said “You look like you’re trying to fit 6 pounds of oranges in a 5 pound bag!”

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Friday, February 18, 2022

Heart of the Jungle Ecstatic Dance & Embodiment Retreat


February 24 @ 11:00 pm

Welcome to Heart of the Jungle, an Ecstatic Dance and Embodiment Retreat. Hosted at our regenerative permaculture eco-community in the heart of the lush mountainous jungles of Costa Rica. This 4 day, 3 night experience includes Ecstatic Dances, Workshops, Yoga, Cacao Ceremony, Breathwork, Permaculture Farm Tours, community, waterfalls, river and spring water pool swimming, 

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Singing Circle, Cacao Ceremony & Breton Dances


February 25 @ 11:00 pm

Singing Circle, Cacao Ceremony & Breton Dances
Singing Circle
Come and sing sacred songs from around the world. We sing in sacred space as an offering of gratitude for this beautiful, miraculous life we’re all in together. Sing, drum, clap, dance and join in any way you like. If you play, please bring musical instruments and a blanket or cushion to sit on. All welcome to share songs.

Thursday, February 17, 2022

Full of Beauty – A Live Ecstatic Dance Experience with One World Jam


February 25 @ 11:00 pm

Deze – Live Ecstatic Dance Experience – is een langere avond met een werkelijk diepere beleving en verschillende extra onderdelen. Een Ecstatic Dance Breda Special met een bijzondere touch.

“Full of Beauty” is het nieuwe dubbelalbum van Henk van Glabbeek alias ★ One World Jam, Contemporary World Music For Conscious Dance and Healing ★

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Monthly Saturday tranquilityRx tai chi on Muir Beach


September 17 @ 11:00 pm

learn tai chi inspired movement classes once a month on Muir Beach, starting February 12, 11 – 12:00, with tranquilityRx founder Kampol Crews, CMT.
the incredible benefits of tai chi are doubly powerful if taken outside, and in regular “doses” as it:

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Silent Contact Festival


Silent Contact Festival

Silent Contact Festival
September 26 @ 8:00 pm - October 2 @ 2:00 pm
5th edition of international Contact Improvisation festival in Silence
50th anniversary of CI
110 contact dancers from all over the world
This year we prepare something special. Be in.
Intensives 2022:
– Alexandra Soshnikova & Sergey Golovnea (Moldova)
– Olivia Court Mesa (Israel)
– Pawel Michal Konior (Poland)

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Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Dance First Member Spotlight on Nine Mountain Retreat!


This week’s Dance First Member Insight is from Nine Mountain Retreat!

Who We Are

Nine Mountain was built about 30 years ago by the creative community of Earthdance Creative Living Project, a radical collaborative of improvisers, makers and artists. The unique, towering post-and-beam building was originally designed to be a shared home for members of the collective. They built the house together, using trees harvested from the land. Nine Mountain served as a community house for families, couples and individuals for its first 3 years.

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Monday, February 14, 2022

Monday Love to your Living Life Force


“ Love is space and time measured by the heart.”

 ~ Marcel Proust

What is there to say about love that hasn’t been said? It makes the world go round, it’s a many splendored thing, it’s the force that holds the universe together.

There’s love for yourself. There’s love for another person. There’s universal love and love for humanity.

There’s love for the new flavor of ice cream and there’s love that sets ships sailing across the sea. Einstein once said, “You can’t blame gravity for falling in love.”

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Dance as Medicine Facilitator Training 2022 – Online


March 3 @ 12:00 am

Do you feel called to share your love for dance with others?

Is dance your spiritual practice, your healing medicine, the way you connect deeply with yourself?
Would you like to learn more tools to go deeper in your own practice?

This training is both personal and professional development. It is perfect for those wanting to go deeper in their own personal healing journey AND for those that would like to hold space for others and share their passion.

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Moves into Consciousness • Alain Allard & Sarah Pitchford


May 13 @ 2:00 pm - May 15 @ 8:00 pm

Moves into Consciousness a workshop with Alain Allard & Sarah Pitchford

We get lost in habitual thinking. Familiar narratives unconsciously replaying themselves while we hold our breath tightening and constricting the life force, and so separating from our true nature. This disconnection doesn’t feel good…Through movement, dance and sitting meditation we can find vitality, spaciousness, and light in everything that arises. Doing this we regain our own inherent kindness, renewing the relationship with our heart and basic nature.

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Friday, February 11, 2022

FULL MOON Ecstatic Dance Alchemy with Deva


February 16 @ 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm

with Deva Dancing Songbird
Liberate your energy on this full moon
Connect with your body, heart & spirit
Set your intentions and dance through the 5 elements of nature
Receive a Pleiadian Light Language transmission

Water Spirit Codes – Códigos del Espíritu en las Aguas


February 18 @ 8:00 pm - February 24 @ 4:00 pm

Water Spirit Immersion: Codes of Cosmic Communion
In this immersion we’ll dive into the streaming substance of what we really are, of where we come from. Just as the sun 🌞, the moon 🌙 and the stars ✨ reflect in the Water, the Codes of our Origin are able to be reflected in our Inner Waters.

Weekendcursus: The wisdom of the dancing warrior


February 19 @ 3:00 pm - February 20 @ 10:00 pm

Workshop met elementen uit dramatherapie, sjamanisme, Joanna Macy’s werk dat opnieuw verbindt en Movement Medicine (dynamische dansmeditatie).
Iedereen welkom!

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Ecstatic Dance 5 Day Retreat to Sarasota Florida USA


Ecstatic Dance 5 Day Retreat to Sarasota Florida USA

April 19 @ 6:30 pm - April 24 @ 2:30 am

Ecstatic Dance Global 5 Day Retreat
Saturday Feb 19- Thursday 25th

Let’s create space for workshops blending yoga, somatic, meditation, Ecstatic Dance and contact improv! Five days with dances in Soul Studios, at Siesta Beach ( famous for it’s crystal sand and often rated #1 beach in the country), in a forest, and at a park at sunset looking over the bay. We will share creating meals in a home setting and have lunches picnic style at a nearby park.

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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Embody the Dancer, Movement Medicine dansreeks


April 29 @ 10:30 pm

Als ik Belichaamd Ben, Ken ik mezelf. Dan weet ik wat ik wil. Dan weet ik hoe ik voor mezelf kan zorgen. Dan weet ik wat echt belangrijk is voor mij.
Welkom bij deze reeks met een vaste groep, waarin we maandelijks op vrijdagavond zullen dansen, beginnend op 29/4, dan 27/5, 17/6 en 15/7, van 19u30 tot 21u30.
De week vooraf aan deze vaste groep, op 22/4, is er een (gratis) open les, waar je alvast kunt komen proeven.

Dance Retreat in Costa Rica 2022


The total cost options include;
-7 nights of BEAUTIFUL accommodations (pricing based on room choice)
-DANCES and CLASSES with Mia E. Pem, Lisa DeLand and O’skar Madera
-3 delicious, VEGETARIAN MEALS a day
-direct access to the three-mile-long white sand BEACH along the Pacific Ocean, Guiones Beach.
-the luxury of a SALTWATER Infinity POOL.

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Dance from the Heart Workshop February 2022 ~ AbunDANCE!


February 19 @ 11:00 am - 12:30 pm

| $30 – $50

The theme of our Dance from the Heart workshop this month is AbunDANCE! This month come to embody the joy of abundance and reconnect to the inner wellspring from within your own heart.

Saturday, February 19th
From 11-12:30pm PT
Sliding scale $30-50

All proceeds to go supporting our Community Resilience Programs.

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Dance First Member Spotlight on Kelsay Meyers!


This week’s Dance First Member Insight is from Kelsay Meyers and Dialogical Persona!

I founded Dialogical Persona Healing Arts, LLC on February 24, 2020, to serve those unfolding in their lives and relationships. I offered Soul-based Coaching, transformative inquiry, and energy work while finishing my doctoral program, practitioner training, and personal embodiment process. Little did I know that an international pandemic would change the world in a matter of weeks and lead to many people needing online support through the embodied arts. In the past two years, my business, skills, embodied practice, and personal growth has flourished.

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Monday, February 7, 2022

Monday Love to your Musical Magic


“ Where words fail, music speaks…”

 ~ Hans Christian Andersen

Have you ever thought about what your music says about you? What’s the over-arching vibe of each genre you choose? How does music transcend language?

Some evolutionists think that our capacity to sing and make music came before we humans learned to talk. It makes sense when you think about nature and how everything in the natural world has a rhythm or a cycle to it.

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Thursday, February 3, 2022

Online Series: Embodying Your Heart’s Wisdom in Art and Life ~ with Marialuisa Diaz de Leon Z


March 2 @ 9:00 am - March 30 @ 10:45 am

| $95

5 Wednesdays, March 2-30 | 9am-10:45am PST  | $95 for the series
*Note: U.S. daylight savings time change happens on MARCH 13th

From a physiological perspective the human heart is an organ central to the circulatory system. From an archetypal perspective the human heart is an organ central to our imagination, intellect, and aesthetic sensitivity. The intention for this 5-week series is to explore, express, embody, and bridge into your life, the wisdom of your own heart.

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Online Series: Body Mapping ~ with Natan Daskal


March 3 @ 10:00 am - March 31 @ 11:30 am

| $65

4 Thursdays:   Mar 3, Mar 10, Mar 17, Mar 31 | 10-11:30am PST | $65/series

Each part of our bodies is unique: each has developed specific functions, moves in particular ways, and has its own stories to tell and dances to dance. In this series, we focus on a new area of the body each week. For each body part, we study anatomy and body mechanics, we explore its movement somatically, and we allow its wisdom to express through drawing, creative writing, and dance. By exploring our anatomy experientially and artistically, we connect more deeply with our bodies, creativity, and lived experience.

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Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Dance of Oneness®: Living in Harmony


February 27 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

| $25

Monthly Live Online Workshop
February 27, Sunday, @10am-12pm PT | 6-8pm UTC

Dance to feel the joy of being ALIVE, uplift yourself and raise your frequency. Our aim is to create inner and outer harmony: in ourselves, in our relationship with the Earth, with Spirit and with one another through guided and free-style dance, conscious movement, and meditation.

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Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Dance First Member Spotlight on Adelle Brownlee Brewer and The Synergy Studio!


This week’s Dance First Member Insight is on Adelle Brownlee Brewer and The Synergy Studio!

Adelle Brownlee Brewer is a Nia 1st Degree Black Belt Certified Somatic Educator + Trainer, Transformational Breath® Certified Coach + Trainer, JourneyDance™ Facilitator, Reiki Sensei, and Professional Fiber Artist. She has been dancing and teaching in the field of art for over 35 years.

Adelle teaches classic Nia, Nia Moving to Heal, Nia FreeDance, as well as Nia 5 Stages. She leads Nia White Belt Intensives, designed for those who want to dive deeper in the practice, as well as for those who wish to teach.

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