Monday, March 6, 2023

Dance First Spotlight on Amara Pagano (Founder of Azul Conscious Movement) & The FREE 5 Day Movement Challenge!


This week’s Monday Love Insight features Amara Pagano (the founder of Azul Conscious Movement) and the FREE 5-day Movement Challenge!

Dear Friends,

In our current world we often suffer from being disconnected from the wisdom of our body. Mostly driven by our thinking mind, we have lost touch with the resource we have within; to receive guidance, make good decisions, engage our souls learning and heal physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Do you know that conscious movement can support you to reconnect to the pleasure and wisdom of your body? It is a movement practice of bringing attention to our body and discovering ourselves as the dancers we all are.

Embodiment is much more than just being in your body. When we recognize and practice awareness of our movement, we can awaken vitality and harness our body’s intelligence and potential.

Arriving into our bodies is not something we can think of, it is something that needs to be experienced and practiced.

Read More Here

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