Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Dance First Spotlight on Fusion: A Summer’s Night Dream with Ellen Watson, Pius, & Ennio


At Centro D’Ompio, Italy
August 24th – Sept 3rd

You are cordially invited and heartily encouraged to join Pius, Ellen, and Ennio, for our 9 day Fusion…an alchemical blending of Nature, Nurture, Nourishment, Touch, Movement, Breath, Making Art, Poetry, and experiencing the wisdom of Plant and Visionary Medicines.

Thursday, August 31, the Full Blue Super Moon, graces us with her presence. Full moons are glorious wherever she can be seen…and at Lake Orta, at Centro, the moon rises over the trees and bamboo, illuminating our walkways, glistening on the Lake and Centro’s pool, where we can dance from the fire circle to the pool deck, honoring all traditions who observe the lunar cycles.

Fusion is defined as ‘blending, combining, mingling, merging, commingling and on and on’. In this program, through these alchemical processes, our shared intention is to fuse our own body, mind, heart, spirit, emotions with our own soul…and from that place, commune, connect, and unite through a shared heartbeat, with members of our Fusion group….and extend this connection outward to all sentient beings.

Learn More and Register Here

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