Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Dance First Member Insight from Emma Leech, founder of Emma Dance


This week’s Dance First Member Insight is from Emma Leech, founder of Emma Dance!

~ Stepping out and feeling our way back into a new world, post-pandemic.

Sensing, feeling from my body, instinct turned raw and real, switched on and tuned in. The 5 Rhythms Movement practice has given me a place to lean into these sensations. My spine uncurls, my stomach, my gut is listening. I’m like an animal, feet walking on the earth with even more awareness, plugged into my natural wisdom. The feminine, receptive and intuitive intelligence become my sat nav for living in this new world. We are shaken, broken, dismantled, and disrupted, navigating ourselves back to a path changed forever by the human collective – this pandemic earthquake.

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