Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Dance First Member Insight from Banafsheh Sayyad, creator of Dance of Oneness


This weeks Dance First Member Insight is from Banafsheh Sayyad, creator of Dance of Oneness.

Greetings dancers,

Empowerment comes from taking a courageous stance not just for ourselves but also on behalf of everything we love. The circle of the self is completed when we extend our embrace, our care, and our protection to nature, the environment, the world; to wherever there is a need. We feel embraced back when we extend compassion and care – and we become empowered because we live with purpose. “The most powerful starting point for any endeavor is not the question ‘What do I want?’, says Eckhart Tolle, but ‘What does Life want from me? How do I serve the whole?'” It is by serving the whole that we become whole.

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