Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Tuesday Love to your Reason & Rights


“ The rights of everyone are diminished when the rights of one are threatened.”

 ~ John F. Kennedy

Have you been paying attention to the news lately? Maybe you caught wind of the big controversy regarding pregnant people? Yes, it’s a huge issue, and it affects all of us regardless of gender.

Just because only one sex can bear children, it doesn’t mean that bringing a new life into the world only concerns half of us.

When it comes to women’s health, bodily autonomy, and the question of choice, I firmly believe that men have no right to interfere or even have an opinion in the decision. However, whether or not the choice is made to bring a baby into the world, men become stakeholders in the process by default.

That’s why the current political controversy over whether or not to give men 20 weeks of paid paternity leave is so important. That’s right, there are some people who are actually against the idea of giving a man five months of paid time off from work in order to support his partner and bond with the newborn child.

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