Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Dance First Member Spotlight on Emma Dance & 5Rhythms!


This week’s Dance First Insight is from Emma Dance and 5Rhythms!

The 5Rhythms Movement and dance meditation is my life’s work.

I feel privileged to have been able to bring it to diverse communities. It has given me witness to the most profound depth and beauty in the artistic movement enquiry of human experience, both dark and light.

I have been dancing the 5Rhythms movement meditation practice for over 30 years and after diving into the practice for my own self healing from trauma for 10 years, I took the path as a teacher of the practice and trained with Gabrielle Roth the founder, to teach in 2001. Since then, I have travelled to different parts of the Globe and London’s suburbs taking the dance to a wide audience of disadvantaged communities, prison, addiction recovery and youth at risk and children living in the slums in Kolkata India. This disparate range of communities has become invaluable in expanding my teaching skills and insight into all walks of life, keeping me plugged into a reality of human survival where this dance can be of real service.

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