Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Deep, Wild, and True


November 11 @ 8:00 am - November 13 @ 5:00 pm

To feel into our depths takes courage, and courage we have, for our true nature is wild, along with every other living thing on this beautiful magical earth. 

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Dance of Oneness®: Living in Harmony


Dance of Oneness®: Living in Harmony

September 25 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

| $30

Monthly Live Online Workshop
Sunday, September 25 @10am-12pm PT | 5-7pm UTC

Dance to uplift yourself and raise your frequency. Our aim is to create inner and outer harmony: in ourselves, in our relationship with the Earth, with Spirit and with one another through guided and free-style dance, conscious movement

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Tuesday, August 30, 2022

A L C H E M Y – A Series of Movement Medicine Journeys


The A L C H E M Y sessions invites you to embark on a series of immersive Movement Medicine journeys – gateways into experiencing the transformative and healing power of intentional movement practice.

In these changing times on our beloved planet, and as we move toward the colder, darker part of the year – gathering in community and dancing our prayers – feels like good medicine. A nourishing environment to open to the wisdom of the moving body. 

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Rooted in the Heart


October 7 @ 1:00 pm - October 9 @ 9:00 pm

A Movement Medicine 3 day workshop, residential, at the magical Temple of the Earth, in Aljezur, Portugal.
During 3 full days, we will move, share, resource, connect with the elements within and all around, giving space to whatever is moving inside our hearts.

Using the Elements map, we will explore and move with Earth, Fire, Water, Air and Ether:
⛰ Earth welcomes slowing down, resting deeply, finding safety and nourishment again in our own bodies, as well as strength and support.

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Monday, August 29, 2022

Dance First Spotlight on Phoenix OneSong & Dancing Freedom’s Soul Quest Facilitator Journey!!


This week’s Dance First Spotlight is on Phoenix OneSong & Dancing Freedom!

The Mythic Body

I recently came out of a week-long immersion with one of my teachers, Josh Shrei, who hosts “The Emerald” podcast. After studying with him for 10 months, online, 20 of us welcomed him and his family from the US and came together to enter into the fairy grove of fern, moss, banksia, tea tree and eucalyptus along the South East Pacific Coast of Australia.

The invitation was to become still, listen and to allow the animist forces of nature to move and welcome us into the mysteries of myth, ritual and storytelling.

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Monday Love to your Response and Abilities


“ Man is nothing else but what he makes of himself.”

 ~ Jean-Paul Sartre

Everyone has them. Not everyone likes them. You can’t escape them. You may as well make the best of them.

What might I be talking about? Responsibilities, of course! But what does that actually mean? Let’s unpack that word a little bit.

On the face of it, it’s all those things like rent or mortgage payment, getting the kids to school, and making sure the bills are paid. You can be responsible for other people, you can be responsible for objects or property, or you can be responsible for getting things done.

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Friday, August 26, 2022

Dance Your Medicine – Costa Rica, March 2023


March 24, 2023 @ 3:00 pm - March 31, 2023 @ 10:00 am | Free

DANCE YOUR MEDICINE is a multi-day, eco luxury retreat about evolving our consciousness, nourishing and healing ourselves through somatics, movement and community. Together, for 7 days and 7 nights, we will imbibe pristine nature and food, dance to luscious music, deepen into embodied connection, and learn how to harness it for creating good in the world.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Embodied Sexuality Lab with Cathy Ryan and Cynthia Kennedy


The Art of Pleasure

Some days it’s on, some days it’s off…

You feel the warmth of the sun on your skin, a light breeze smelling of the sea – it turns you on one day and the next you scarcely notice it.

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Strong Heart in Times of Change with Chris Luttichau


Strong Heart in Times of Change with Chris Luttichau

September 25 @ 2:00 pm - 9:00 pm

A shamanic roadmap to resilience and inner strength

This is a hands-on workshop on how to bounce back, find your strength and your own centre, when faced with challenges. Participants will be given guidance based on ancient time-proven methods on how to adapt to changes in a world that is transforming rapidly.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2022




October 14 - October 16

These are wild times.

We’re not just on the edge, we’re off the edge and falling.

We are being called, cajoled and catapulted into new ways of being that require us to let go of our fixed ideas of what we thought we knew. We can sense it. There’s something going on.

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Dance First Spotlight on the Mill Valley Fall Arts Festival!


This week’s Dance First Spotlight is on Karin Conn & the Mill Valley Fall Arts Festival!

65th Annual

Mill Valley Fall Arts Festival

To be held Sept 17 & 18


The longest running West Coast juried art festival of the country’s 130 top fine artists (Mill Valley, California)

The 65th Annual Mill Valley Fall Arts Festival will take place among the redwoods in historic Old Mill Park, Mill Valley, California on Saturday and Sunday, September 17-18, 2022. The juried festival will feature more than 130 local and national artists from as far as Hawaii and New York, representing sculpture, painting, ceramics, photography, textiles, woodwork, and jewelry from over 15 media categories.

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Monday Love to You and Your EQ


“ So many books, so little time.”

 ~ Frank Zappa

I’ll bet you like to think of yourself as intelligent, right? Well, sure, I would imagine that everyone does. So let’s break that word down a little bit, what does intelligence really mean?

To begin with, in our linear left-brain-oriented Western way of thinking, we are all assigned a number early on. That being the quotient of your intelligence, more commonly known as your IQ. The idea that a certain standardized set of measurements can be applied early on to categorize us for life seems suspect, but here we are.

Then you’ve got the type of intelligence that is gained through experience, sometimes referred to as “street smarts” that are learned through attending what is commonly known as “The School of Hard Knocks.”

There’s intelligence gained by experience, insight received in a flash, and lessons pounded into your head. But when it comes to simply getting along well in the world, there’s a form of intelligence we often forget about.

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Saturday, August 13, 2022

Butoh Festival Amsterdam 7-8 October


Butoh international Festival. Munganga Theatre. Amsterdam 7-8 October
23 performers
9 performances with dancers from: France, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Polynesia, Spain


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5Rhythms Body Groove


Give yourself permission to gently and safely step in and surrender to the groove of the different rhythms. To move and be moved towards inner freedom with the support of each other in full respect of our unique way of being. The map of the 5Rhythms® will take our bodies through a powerful journey of refreshing discoveries, exploring how the body responds spontaneously to the inspiration of a variety of musical genres.

Wednesday, August 10, 2022




November 21 - November 27

Movement, plant medicine and inquiry 

Combining the diagnostic tools of Body Mapping and transformational movement work, together with medicinal plant therapy. We will also gain insights via family constellation work with horses and compassionate inquiry.

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October 21 - October 23

Not abstract truth such as Love is All, not the truth of stories about what we have lived through, but specific, personal, in-the-present truth such as ‘My heart is breaking’, or ‘I love you’, or ‘I am shy with you right now’.

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Masculine and feminine, light and dark, pain and pleasure . . .  Yes, on one level we’re all one, but our human reality is more often a dance of polarities — in and out, up and down, like it or not.

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Ecstatic Dance Breda: Roots & Wings an Ecstatic Voyage by JUP aka dr. dance


★ JUP aka ★ combineert haar jarenlange ervaring op de dansvloer als geaccrediteerd 5Rhythms® teacher (Heartbeat Level) met Shamanic Practices, ervaring als radio DJ en haar grote liefde voor muziek. Regelmatig verzorgt ze workshops in binnen- en buitenland én long dances van 7 uur non stop!

Tuesday, August 9, 2022



November 4 @ 11:00 pm - November 6 @ 8:00 pm

Vi er begejstrede for at kunne annoncere at Adam Barley kommer til København og holder weekend workshoppen “Surrender”. For English scroll down.
Det Adam fordrer på et dansegulv er, at råheden, sårbarheden og ægtheden kommer frem i os når vi overgiver os til kroppens bevægelse og Adams erfarne supervision.

Dance First Member Spotlight on Tamalpa – with Special Insight from Sophia Ali!


This week’s Dance First Spotlight is on Tamalpa – with a special insight from Sophia Ali on completing Level 1 Training!

My level 1 journey made me dive into the work that Tamalpa offers. Learning from highly experienced professionals and enthusiastic batchmates out here, helped me open my horizons.

I was aware of my movement expression earlier, but here I explored my verbal expression and my voice with movement. It was beautiful to notice how my nonverbal expression holds hands with my verbal words, voice and movement. Words and voice weren’t present before but I found it now. I was scared to speak in front of people of authority; putting my views forward I was doubting myself, doubting my abilities, doubting my qualification and my skills.

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Monday Love to your Progress and Permanence


“ The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”

 ~ Alan Watts

Some things never change, right? Then again, conventional wisdom says that the only thing constant is change.

So which is it? What’s the difference? How do we draw the line between the immutable and the fluid?

A better way to look at it might be to think about what sort of things can change and what sort of things can’t? In other words, things that aren’t things, such as the laws of physics or the mysteries of consciousness may actually be fixed and permanent, while anything with physical properties, no matter how static they may seem, are in fact subject to change.

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Saturday, August 6, 2022

T A K E ~ H E A R T


~ what if Fear were a true-blue friend – pricking our skin in the presence of danger – holding us close and moving us from harm’s way and tucking us in tight and urging us to preserve the safety of what we hold most dear?

~ what if Anger were a sure fire sign that we still give a shit – that some things have gone too far – that we might be willing to make a move or draw a line or risk reaching out or stepping up or speaking true on behalf of what we love?

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Deploiement / Deployment


  Ce stage nous invite à fortifier notre centre pour nous déployer en grand dans toutes nos directions et épanouir notre personnalité. Nous nous mettrons à l’écoute subtile de notre colonne vertébrale, cet os le plus profond du corps auquel sont reliés nos chaînes musculaires et notre système nerveux. Quand nous mobilisons notre colonne, du coccyx jusqu’à l’atlas, nous rencontrons notre axe terre ciel, nous stimulons nos centres d’énergie fondamentaux et tous nos organes vitaux. Nous rencontrons aussi nos spirales qui ouvrent notre cage thoracique et libèrent l’espace de nos poumons, donc notre souffle,  et celui de notre cÅ“ur. A partir de ce centre, nos bras et  nos jambes se délient et notre danse gagne en expansion.

Soft and Strong


Soft and Strong

October 1 - October 2

“There is always the contradiction, the tangle, the knot of attempting to understand that, which can only be embodied.” (Q’uo)

We all have our relationship with ‘soft and strong’, ‘gentle and powerful’, ‘compassionate and fierce’, ‘pushing and being pulled’.

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Buffalo Gap Outdoor Retreat


October 6 @ 12:00 am - October 10 @ 12:00 am

Join us for a 5-day Heartbeat with Ann and community.  We dance under a Pavillion, enjoy hiking, swimming, community, and a wood-fired sauna, in-between delicious dancing surrounded by nature.

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Friday, August 5, 2022

All Is Full Of Love


All Is Full Of Love

October 7 @ 8:00 am - October 9 @ 5:00 pm

Deepening our dance practice through the Heartbeat maps, we will find the shapes of the essential feelings as they move through us in the moment, and transform leftover fragments of old emotion into aliveness.

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Ombre et Lumiere


Cet atelier porte sur ces principes fondamentaux des 5Rythmes®: la lumière et l’ombre. La vie oscille toujours de l’un à l’autre.

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Light & Shadow


Light & Shadow

October 8 - October 9

A week end workshop in which we will be guided by the Full Moon energy and the 5Rhythms practice, concentrating on the Shadow map. During the day we will be in the lovely wooden floored dance space and on Saturday evening we will dance outside in the private park of the venue using my Silent headphones. 

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in here + out there | Exploring how we engage in constellations of relationships



This 4-day / 3-night retreat in the Mandala Room at the gorgeous Seminarhof Drawehn just outside Berlin (and equidistant from Hamburg) allows us the time and space to drop away from daily life and into a curious, dance-filled, creativity-inspired exploration of our relationship to relating.

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Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Sit. Move. Wander: Fall Retreat in Grand Marais, MN


Join us on Bearskin Lake, to slow down and welcome simplicity in a stunning, wild environment. The movement practices will include a facilitated dance wave as well as an authentic movement practice. The sitting practice will be rooted in mindfulness meditation. Zero experience is required and these Mia and Margaret will hold a clear and caring container. D’s and sign up right here:…/ Please note that via Paypal you can spread out the payments. Or contact us, and we can try to help!

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Monday, August 1, 2022

Dance of Oneness®: Living in Harmony Monthly Live Online Workshop



Dance to uplift yourself and raise your frequency. Our aim is to create inner and outer harmony: in ourselves, in our relationship with the Earth, with Spirit and with one another through guided and free-style dance, conscious movement, and meditation.

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Dance First Member Spotlight on Sofiah Thom and the Temple Body Arts Mystery School!


This week’s Dance First Spotlight is on Sofiah Thom and the Temple Body Arts Mystery School – Happening Virtually TOMORROW!

We are dancing along an evolutionary path of remembrance as the world around us continues to shift and change, calling us to rise.

So many of us have found ourselves in recent years, no longer comfortable in the lives we’ve created, yearning and seeking more depth, connection, expression, and meaning.

Each seeker moves to the beat of their drum, dancing to feel at home in their body and the world around them- Our Dance is sacred and has the power to help us both heal and transform not only ourselves but the entire collective.

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Monday Love to your Element of Engagement


“ A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”

 ~ John Lennon

What’s more important? Audience size, or engagement?

I know a lot of you on this list are self-promoters or entrepreneurs of some sort or another. You’ve got something to offer, be it a class or a workshop or a training or even a product or artistic creation.

Somehow I seem to be surrounded by folks like you, and I find myself having conversations fairly often about what works and what doesn’t in today’s saturated social media environment.

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