Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Monday Love to You and Your EQ


“ So many books, so little time.”

 ~ Frank Zappa

I’ll bet you like to think of yourself as intelligent, right? Well, sure, I would imagine that everyone does. So let’s break that word down a little bit, what does intelligence really mean?

To begin with, in our linear left-brain-oriented Western way of thinking, we are all assigned a number early on. That being the quotient of your intelligence, more commonly known as your IQ. The idea that a certain standardized set of measurements can be applied early on to categorize us for life seems suspect, but here we are.

Then you’ve got the type of intelligence that is gained through experience, sometimes referred to as “street smarts” that are learned through attending what is commonly known as “The School of Hard Knocks.”

There’s intelligence gained by experience, insight received in a flash, and lessons pounded into your head. But when it comes to simply getting along well in the world, there’s a form of intelligence we often forget about.

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