Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Dance for Life – A fundraiser event for Afghan families in need


October 22 @ 9:00 pm

Dance for Life
With Kate-Marie Mutsaers, Michael Molin Skelton, Sharon East and Elias Naveed
“The one thing that can solve most of our problems is dancing.” Rumi
A Soul Motion dance to raise funds and awareness to help families in Afghanistan to buy life-saving food.

Three-Week Holistic Dance Language Immersion in Koh Phangan, Thailand with Zola Dubnikova


January 9, 2023 @ 8:00 am

From the School of Mystery, Sacred Dance & Feminine Arts ~
Three-Week Holistic Dance Language Training with Zola Dubnikova in Thailand
9 – 27 January 2023 at Pyramid Yoga Center in the Heart of Koh Phangan, Thailand
“This is a call for women to know and believe in the holiness of their bodies, the sacredness of their dance & the power of their voice…. “
Temple Arts. Sacred Dance. Dance Medicine

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Dance First Insight from Ellen Watson!


This week’s Dance First Insight is from Ellen Watson!

Ellen Watson is celebrating her 40th year on the staff and faculty at Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA, where she studies, practices, and teaches various modalities of moving meditation practice.

A licensed minister, Ellen believes that the core of all healing begins in the realm of the heart and the Spirit. Among her great pleasures are opening the door for people to dance, to sing and play and pray, to touch and be touched. She is passionate about spreading the good news about how waking up can heal and transform the mind, body and soul.

Ellen is a teacher of Esalen® Massage & Bodywork, Gabrielle Roth’s 5Rhythms, Holotropic Breathwork, Vibrance, Touching Essence, Wake Up & Roar and Your Body is a Musical Instrument.

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Tuesday Love to your Tools and Treasures


“ Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right.’ Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.”

 ~ George Herbert

What are the tools for your trade? Whatever it is that you do, what do you do it with? What’s the relationship between the task at hand and the implements that accomplish it?

Everything you do begins with a thought, usually progressing first to words and then to action. Your brain is the prime mover, but there’s only so much you can accomplish just by thinking about it, (unless you happen to have the magical power to declassified documents with your mind, but that’s a different story).

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Monday, September 26, 2022

Dance of Oneness®: Living in Harmony Monthly Live Online Workshop


Dance of Oneness®: Living in Harmony Monthly Live Online Workshop

October 30 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

| $30

Sunday, October 30 @10am-12pm PT | 5-7pm UTC

Dance to uplift yourself and raise your frequency. Our aim is to create inner and outer harmony: in ourselves, in our relationship with the Earth, with Spirit and with one another through guided and free-style dance, conscious movement, and meditation.
We will focus on the element of water with sensual yet rigorous dance, and explore a poem by Rumi that speaks powerfully to our times.

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Saturday, September 24, 2022

Body Wisdom~ Trance Dance and Ecstatic Shaking Retreat by Kiran & Jivan


October 18 @ 7:00 pm - October 23 @ 3:00 pm

Dear dancers and shakers through Life,
We are happy to invite you to this Trance Dance & Ecstatic Shaking Intensive Retreat in the beautiful Piatra Craiului Mountains in Transylvania, between October 18 – 23, 2022.
A 6 days profound and revelating journey through different Neo Shamanic Rituals, an opportunity to deepen and expand your practice and direct experience of Trance Dance Ritual, Shamanic Trance Journeys and Ecstatic Shaking Meditation.

Summerlake Hot Springs Aguahara Retreat



Summerlake Hot Springs Aguahara Retreat
October 24 @ 2:30 am - October 28 @ 12:00 am
Immerse yourself into warm, mineral spring water and explore the profound experiences of Aguahara and aquatic dance with a small community of friends.
You will come away from this retreat with the knowledge of how to safely float someone in the water and the ability to create improvised, aquatic contact dance with a small group of people.

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#Summerlake #Retreat #dance #community

Friday, September 23, 2022

Compassion & Connection: 5Rhythms® Heartbeat & Mindfulness


November 7 - November 11

Love is not a mood but a state of being. —Gabrielle Roth

Gabrielle Roth’s Heartbeat map is a guide to how our emotional energy moves and morphs. In this practice, we embody the art of being a fluid emotional athlete. This map teaches us how to navigate the emotional terrain of life without getting stuck, holding on, or pushing away.

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Grief Dancer: 5Rhythms® & 5 Stages of Grief


Grief Dancer: 5Rhythms® & 5 Stages of Grief

October 21 - October 23

This is an era of chaos, change, and grief for the world. As we continue moving through these unprecedented times, we are required to face many difficulties that may seem insurmountable. We invite you to a weekend retreat to hold together what should not be held alone.

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Thursday, September 22, 2022

Dancing Mindfulness with Denina & LouAnn


Dancing Mindfulness with Denina & LouAnn

October 20 @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Live classes are held the 3rd Thursday of each month at The Center of Harmony in Harmony, PA. For more information please visit

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Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Life: The Path of Meditation (ONLINE)


Life: The Path of Meditation (ONLINE)

January 7, 2023 @ 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

Many seekers and people who serve others (e.g., therapists, teachers, artists) ask questions of this nature. In this day retreat and continuing education program, Dr. Jamie Marich and Irene Rodriguez will help you realize that you and the people you serve have been meditating all along! 

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Meditation in Motion and Yoga Nidra (In-Person)


September 25 @ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm

Jamie will guide participants through a meditative asana practice, some seated meditation, a full length Yoga Nidra practice AND she’ll facilitate a question/ answer discussion so you’ll have the opportunity to really dig deep and ask those questions.

This workshop is for you if:
You’re curious about meditation but have no experience.
You’ve tried meditation in the past but couldn’t get yourself to commit to the practice.
You already have a meditation practice and you’d like to deepen your practice.
You have questions about meditation and you’d love the opportunity to ask them in a non-judgmental, encouraging space.

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Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Dance First Insight from Dr. Jamie Marich & Dancing Mindfulness!


This week’s Dance First Insight is from Dr. Jamie Marich & Dancing Mindfulness!

Dancing Mindfulness: 10th Anniversary Reflections
Jamie Marich, Ph.D., LPCC-S, REAT, RYT-500

Dancing Mindfulness is a practice over which I never felt comfortable claiming ownership. Dance and mindfulness are two of the oldest healing practices that are inherent to the first peoples of our planet and to cultures on every continent. As I share in the 2015 book Dancing Mindfulness: A Creative Path to Healing and Transformation, I am literally alive because of the folk dancing traditions of my Croatian ancestors. My parents were both folk dancers and musicians practicing in their respective cities and they met one year at a national festival. I was fortunate to be schooled in the same traditions as a young child, and to organically stumble
upon free-form organic styles of movement in my basement as a young child learning to cope with emotions.

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Monday, September 19, 2022

Monday Love to your Circles and Cycles


“ There is something particularly special and personal about the circle and how its curves comfortably rule every aspect of our lives.”

 ~ Kat Lahr

Do you ever look at life like a set of circles?

The moon orbits around the earth. The earth orbits around the sun. Take a look at your own life and you will see any number of concentric circles following their own orbital path.

From the time you arrive naked and wiggling to the day you are finally put to rest, much of your life is done in cycles.

You circle around to the tea pot or the coffee maker every morning. You have a date with your pillow every night.

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Thursday, September 15, 2022

Symphony of Sorrow & Joy


November 12 - November 13

The dance is a poem of which each movement is a word’ –

Mata Hari

IWe cannot know sadness without knowing joy, we cannot feel gratitude without feeling sorrow.
These two emotions intertwine around each other. The taste of life is bitter sweet and yet dancing through the pain is deeply cathartic.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2022

RYT200 Yoga Teacher Training Costa Rica


RYT200 Yoga Teacher Training Costa Rica

May 2, 2023 @ 2:00 am - May 16, 2023 @ 2:00 am

May 1-19, 2023 in Dominical, Costa Rica
Training Facility: Danyasa Eco-Retreat

The Fall Equinox Goddess Dance


September 23 @ 5:00 am - 7:00 am

Join this 3 part Equinox Dance journey of releasing, receiving and sharing + Sacred Cacao. Honoring the Sun Gods and Goddesses + enjoying the bounty of our harvests and preparing for the next season by welcoming the gifts of the Dark Mother.

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Monday, September 12, 2022

Dance First Insight from Melissa Michaels & Golden Bridge!


This week’s Dance First Insight is from Melissa Michaels & Golden Bridge!

Greetings friends ~

Have you ever been through some kind of an initiatory experience that did not feel complete?

That certainly was my experience when I completed surgery and chemotherapy 5 years ago this September. As you may know, those treatments, along with my own integrative healing process, fully knocked out the late-stage ovarian cancer that had taken residence in my body. Yet, in my heart and soul, I was not the same person who had faced this life-threatening challenge. I felt like something was missing when the official treatment was finished.

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Monday Love to your Vision and Voyages


“ Travel makes one modest.You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.”

 ~ Gustave Flaubert

What do you reckon is the best way to increase your understanding of the world? Education is great, but nothing compares with travel, amirite?

It’s one thing to simply be a tourist and see the sights, it’s another entirely to immerse yourself in another culture and really get a feel for the place.

Travel, whether it is a brief jaunt or an extended journey provides innumerable benefits. You gain such things as perspective, context, and a greater appreciation for the place you call home upon your return.

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Friday, September 9, 2022

Fires of Transformation Tour


September 10 @ 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm

This 3-hour workshop will be a saucy exploration of micro-technique. Navigating the intimacy of close embrace with respect and honoring of boundaries, responding with instantaneous precision and flowing effortlessly between initiation (lead) and response (follow) will all be addressed with care. We’ll also dip into working with breath, exploring complexity of movement and the luscious richness available within the pause.

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Thursday, September 8, 2022

The Journey 4


November 9 @ 9:30 am - December 14 @ 11:00 am

Each week for six weeks in the same community of people, we will follow a simple recipe of movement, a shamanic drumming journey and an exploration of the different medicine of the animal guides available to us when we open our hearts, imagination, curiosity and sense of wonder…no experience necessary as we travel and share together on this very human journey into the great unknown.

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Write Here Write Now 4


November 28 @ 4:00 pm - December 12 @ 6:00 pm

Easy hey? I have had a booklet of poetry published, won a national poetry competition, am currently working on a new collection as well as taking an MA in Creative Writing and still the blank page rears it’s awful head for days on end sometimes!

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Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Roots & Resonance – 6 week Immersion


October 4 @ 10:30 pm

Roots & Resonance
with Kate-Marie Mutsaers & Adam Griffin
6 week online Immersion
October 4th/11th/18th/25th & November 1st/ 8th
10.30-12.30 PST USA /18:30 – 20:30 BST / 19:30 – 21:30 CET

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Dance First Spotlight on Jennifer Joy Jiménez & TranscenDance


This week’s Dance First Spotlight is on Jennifer Joy Jiménez & TranscenDance!

Best described as “pure joy in motion”, Jennifer Joy Jiménez is a groundbreaking leader in the fields of
personal development, health & wellbeing, and conscious dance.

Jennifer has been featured alongside some of the world’s greatest thought leaders including; Marianne Williamson, Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D., Maya Angelou, Byron Katie, Bob Proctor, Wayne Dyer, and Deepak Chopra to name a few.
Her life enhancing programs and products can be found in; Self, Shape, Oxygen, Woman’s world, and more.

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Monday Love to your Labors of Love


“ Dare to be honest and fear no labor.”

 ~ Robert Burns

Just a quick note to let you know that in observance of Labor Day the United Newsletter Self-Employed Editors Nationwide, (U.N.S.E.E.N. Local Chapter 23) has officially giver your humble scribe the day off.

Please pay no mind to the fact that your humble scribe happens to be the only dues-paying member of this newly-formed union.

Benefits include: Sleeping in, socializing with friends, al fresco dining, spinning records, and generally beating the heat.

Rest assured that your weekly delivery of consciousness-raising commentary, high-minded philosophy, alliterative excess, and witty repartee will continue next Monday as usual.

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Saturday, September 3, 2022



December 11

In this workshop we move / dance with how essential compassion or the pure energetic of compassion can help us to embrace all the different colours and shades of our feelings and emotions. That energy of compassion, when it’s moving, can allow this to unfold without effort, even with a sense of “goodness”.

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Friday, September 2, 2022

HEARTH ~ Heartbeat series ~ 2 of 3


December 17

As winter approaches, our energy begins to draw inwards and we are often called to return to home base, to sit at our own Hearth, and to tend to our inner fire.

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Winter Harvest


December 28 - December 31

We’re calling you to harvest. We collect all the many good things we can be just grateful for. Through movement, dance, and words, we make visible everything that lives in us that defines us on the surface or in our depths

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