Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Online Series: Body Mapping ~ with Natan Daskal


April 2 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am PDT

| 60$

4 Fridays: April 2, 9, 23 & 30 (no class on April 16), 10-11:30am PDT

Each part of our bodies is unique: each has developed specific functions, moves in particular ways, and has its own stories to tell and dances to dance. In this 4-part series, we focus on a new area of the body each week. For each body part, we study anatomy and body mechanics, we explore its movement somatically, and we allow its wisdom to express through drawing, creative writing, and dance. By exploring our anatomy experientially and artistically, we connect more deeply with our bodies, creativity, and lived experience.

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Online Series: Movement Ritual and Dance Explorations: Emerging into Spring ~ with Joy Cosculluela


4 Mondays, April 5 – 26, 10-11:30AM PDT

As spring arrives, we tune in to how movement is shifting and emerging through our bodies. Guided by somatic awareness, we practice Movement Ritual to feel the ground, connect with breath, and find supportive pathways in our bodies to transition from one movement to the other. Through dance explorations, we awaken movement impulses and play with shapes that are emerging. Drawing/ writing enrich our dance experience, nourishing the creative energy inherent in all of us.

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Online Series: Reclaiming Stillness: Artful Ways for Navigating Anxiety and Cultivating Resiliency ~ with Marialuisa Diaz de Leon Z


April 8 @ 9:00 am - 10:30 am PDT

| $60

4 Thursdays, April 8 – 29, 9:00-10:30am PDT

“Stillness is where creativity and solutions are found.” ~ Meister Eckhart

Join us for a 4-week class series and dive into creative inquiries to embody radical presence, develop self-compassion, and unearth your body’s resiliency this Spring.

Workshops feature the Tamalpa Life/Art® methodology: somatic movement, drawing, creative writing, improvisation, and ritual.

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Online Series: Embracing the Archetype of Queen: Leading ourselves and others artfully ~ with Elisabeth Osgood-Campbell


April 8 @ 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm PDT

| $60

4 Thursdays, April 8 – 29, 4:00-5:30PM, PDT

The archetype of the Queen optimally represents a woman who governs herself and others with maturity, wisdom, dignity, and grace. An aspect of the divine feminine, she is a sovereign, or powerful leader, who works for the well-being of her community. In turn, the Queen is deeply respected and beloved by her community.

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Online workshop: Re-Bodying Life: Tamalpa Life/Art Process for Trauma Healing ~ with Dr. Rosario Sammartino


April 11 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm PDT

| $40

Sunday, April 11, 9AM-12PM PDT

Recovering from trauma requires that we recuperate the capacity to inhabit our bodies. The Tamalpa Life/Art Process offers an effective therapeutic model that not only recognizes the body in its full dimension, but also facilitates connection to preverbal and symbolic aspects of self, which are beneficial when working with trauma. The language of the arts provides a world beyond analytical thought and conventional communication, allowing for a path to access and give form to sensations, emotions, memories, and images that may not be able to be expressed solely in everyday language.

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Monday Love to your Formative Years


“Lend me your ears and I’ll sing you a song, and I’ll try not to sing out of key…”

 ~ Lennon & McCartney

Part one: In which a child recognizes the power mysteriously held within a simple slab of vinyl.

When I was little, my parents had one of those sixties-style all-in-one console stereos. A big piece of furniture with a wooden top that flipped up for the turntable that was inside and doors that opened in front where the albums were stored, with speakers built in on either side. It traveled with us when we moved from Orange County, California to Western Colorado in 1969. My father was very conservative, and music wasn’t a big deal in our family. He played guitar a little bit, and we had a couple books of Americana music with songs like “She’ll Be Comin’ ‘Round the Mountain”


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Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Monday Love to your Cosmic Coincidences


“ Coincidences are spiritual puns.”

 ~ G.K. Chesterson

Synchronicity!” she exclaimed. “Oh c’mon, there’s no such thing.” he scoffed. “It’s just a coincidence.” They walked further down the tunnel into the BART station. She pointed at another one of the ads for the museum that featured the exact same typeface that she’d just used on a flyer that very morning.

I’m telling you, it’s a sign! I was just thinking about Van Gogh and that whole weird thing about his ear while I was working! I was listening to Camper Van Beethoven and you know darn well my van is in the shop. Why in the heck do you think we’re taking BART?” He arched his eyebrow with the side-eye of the skeptic. “Van, Van, van. It’s Van’s all the way down!” She was practically shrieking. “Then we come down here and the whole station is plastered with Van Gogh’s mug on MOMA posters using Bodoni? It’s an omen, it has to be!

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Thursday, March 11, 2021

Into the Flow


July 26 - July 31

Ia 5Rhythms dance and holiday festival

When you shift your attention out of your mind into your feet,

flowing funky and free

When you get in contact with your moving body,

breath and beat

When one movement follows out of the previous one,

When you say yes to every step, coming,

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One Tribe


July 21 - July 25

“As you walk upon the sacred earth, treat each step as a prayer.“

― Black Elk, Lakota tribe

Meeting again, finding again the simple joy in being with others, listening again to each other, learning from each other, lifting up each other. Every year these One Tribe gatherings give space for meetings. Giving space to being in the presence of each other honestly, genuinely, openly, comfortably. Giving space to dissolving into one big dance, without losing our uniqueness, bringing all our different beautiful colors with us to create one big symphony.

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The nature of our feelings


July 11 - July 18

The nature of our feelings

A 5 Rhythms Heartbeat® Retreat (for women)

Why is it so important to our feminine health that our feelings can flow freely?

Fear, anger, grief, joy, compassion are the basic emotions that affect our energy. When you flow freely, they strengthen us, give us energy. If they are suppressed, then our energy goes down and we become vulnerable, maybe sick.


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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Azul Teacher Training – Certification


Azul Teacher Training – Certification

November 12 - November 21

Become a channel of Awakening Love

The Azul Teacher Training is an experiential program designed for all who wish to deepen their understanding of embodiment and healing through movement as a personal practice, or to become Azul conscious dance teachers.
The Training is articulated in two Modules: Apprenticeship and Certification and includes an ongoing Mentoring Program, offered after each module. The Embodiment Training is a pre-requisite to join the Apprenticeship Module.


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Azul Workshop – Awakening Embodiment NEW


Azul Workshop – Awakening Embodiment NEW

April 24 - April 26

Azul Conscious Movement Workshop
Awakening Embodiment

Zurich, Switzerland | 4-6 June 2021

Salzburg, Austria | 24-26 September 2021

Rome, Italy | 29-31 October 2021

Embodiment is allowing our heart, mind, and body to exist as one miraculous skin.

The word embodiment points us towards the relation with our physical body and – most important – with our bodies capacity to feel.


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Azul Retreat – Healing Masculine & Feminine (residential)


Azul Retreat – Healing Masculine & Feminine (residential)

September 17 - September 22

One way to describe union is the integrating of the masculine and feminine within us. In our journey towards union we inevitably encounter the ways that these aspects of life force have become distorted and perpetuate destruction in our lives. As we move towards union it is necessary to heal the wounded masculine and feminine energies in us that manifest in our relationship with self and other.


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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Azul Retreat – Dancers Awakening Love (residential)


The Dancers Awakening Love (DAL) Retreat is a three day retreat held in conjunction with the OneDanceTribe Europe event and it is designed to integrate the experience of the event in a more intimate setting, as well as explore the path of Azul.

There is an increased amount of light that is touching all of us now. And that light is illuminating the shadow inside of us like never before. In this retreat we will use the dance to support the journey of embracing our shadow. Utilizing the bodies intelligence to feel and integrate our experiences so that we emerge more available to love.

The retreat offers a long weekend of diving into the healing waters of the dance and the experience of awakening love!


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Azul Class & Workshop – Awakening Embodiment NEW


Azul Class & Workshop – Awakening Embodiment NEW

June 4 - June 6

The word embodiment points us towards the relation with our physical body and – most important – with our bodies capacity to feel.


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Monday, March 8, 2021

Dance First Member Insight from Temple Body Arts founder Sofiah Thom!


This week’s Dance First Member Spotlight is from Sofiah Thom, Creator and CEO of the Temple Body Arts™ School for Embodied Feminine Leadership!

Dear Conscious Dancer Tribe,

As we celebrate International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, let us honor how far we have come – and celebrate the history we are creating right now! It is time for women to come together and dance a new story into being through our collective power and intentions. I stand for all women to create their life sourced from their unique essence and to live from a place of empowered pleasure!

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Monday Love to your Mental Miracles


“ Biology gives you a brain. Life turns it into a mind.”

 ~ Jeffrey Eugenides

Remember your memory? Do you recall the days before cell phones and search engines? How do you keep your mind limber in this age of electronic convenience?

Way back in ancient times (the 1950’s) phones were connected to something called an ‘exchange’. It was a central local office that could handle around 10,000 numbers. Your exchange would have a name, typically your neighborhood, so your individual phone number would start with the first two or three letters of the exchange, followed by four digits.


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Friday, March 5, 2021

Sufi Dance of Oneness


Sufi Dance of Oneness

April 10 @ 10:00 am - 12:30 pm PDT

1-Day Introductory Live Online Workshop
April 10, 2021 @10-12:30pm PT | 6-8:30pm UTC | Available in Replay
In this 1-day Introductory Workshop, Banafsheh will initiate you into the sacred dance of Sama or whirling through a clear, accessible method she has developed from years of experience.


Dance with Your Life (5 Day Free Challenge)


Dance with Your Life (5 Day Free Challenge)

March 4 @ 12:00 am EST

| Free

Unlock the secrets in your body to finding more ease, joy and flow in your relationships, work and life
with Kristen Mangione, Dance Alchemist and LÃŽLA – Dance Alchemy for the Soul©.

Beginning on Monday, 3/8, get a free virtual 10 min video metaphysical “dance lesson” to tune more into, trust and flow with life as your ultimate dance partner.

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TranscenDance™ Facilitator Training


TranscenDance™ Facilitator Training

April 8 - April 11

If you LOVE to dance and live freely and authentically and you are passionate about helping others do the same, the upcoming TranscenDance™ Live Virtual Facilitator Training is for you!


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Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Azul Class & Workshop – Awakening Embodiment NEW


Embodiment is allowing our heart, mind, and body to exist as one miraculous skin

The word embodiment points us towards the relation with our physical body and – most important – with our bodies capacity to feel.

The body is equipped with an autonomous function that supports our life without our consciousness having to drive it. This function is regulated by the autonomic nervous system. The body also has a more subtle function connected to our consciousness, that is to feel what is happening. Feeling is what informs our responses, our movements and facilitates digesting the emotional content of our lives.

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Azul Trilogy – Integrating Lower and Higher Self


May 22 - May 27

align with your highest potential

The Azul Trilogy is a three-part program that provides a container for deep personal healing and transformation. Each of the three modules offers an immersion experience in a 6-day online retreat.


Azul Workshop – Power of Yes NEW

May 14 - May 16

Neuroscience is telling us that when we can embody the emotional state of YES we open a channel for what we desire to manifest. There is something that happens when we embody YES that creates new pathways and possibilities. Embodying YES is a process of opening our hearts.

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Azul Teacher Training – Apprenticeship Part 2


April 11 - April 15

Become a channel of Awakening Love

The Azul Teacher Training is an experiential program designed for all who wish to deepen their understanding of embodiment and healing through movement as a personal practice, or to become Azul conscious dance teachers.

Azul Teacher Training – Apprenticeship Part 1


Azul Teacher Training – Apprenticeship Part 1

April 9 - April 10

Become a channel of Awakening Love

The Azul Teacher Training is an experiential program designed for all who wish to deepen their understanding of embodiment and healing through movement as a personal practice


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Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Embodiment Training


This training, led by Azul founder Amara Pagano, offers an in-depth exploration of the Azul Spiral and focuses on gaining an embodied understanding of each of its components. The Azul Spiral is a map of life that facilitates our evolutionary process and the awakening of consciousness. This is what moves us towards experiencing love in every aspect of our lives and fully expressing our gifts and potential.


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Engaging Embodiment Conference 2021


March 3 - March 7

| $125 – $150

Join Daria Halprin at the ISMETA Engaging Embodiment Conference

On March 3 – 7, the ISMETA Conference, Engaging Embodiment: Somatic Applications for Health, Education & Social Justice is offering presentations from over 130 professionals in the field of Somatic Movement Education and Therapy to help inspire you.

Register Now

Online Series: Access and Activate: A Performance Workshop ~ with Joy Cosculluela


March 8 @ 10:00 am - March 29 @ 12:00 pm PST

| $80

In this workshop series we will explore creative pathways to embody vitality. We’ll deepen our movement awareness and expressiveness, and we’ll use performance as a portal to activate our sense of aliveness and presence, and to generate images of renewal. Through the lens of the Life/Art Process, we’ll begin by tuning in to bodily sensations and journey outward by developing our range of movement. Weaving in our imagination, we’ll explore dances of our bones, nerves, and hearts as inspiration for performance. Along the way, we’ll share mini-performances where we witness and are witnessed by others.


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Dance First Member Insight from Banafsheh, creator of Dance of Oneness

This week’s Dance First Member Spotlight is from Banafsheh, creator of Dance of Oneness!

Dear dancers,

Despite all the tragedies and losses, the pandemic has simultaneously brought a new level of expansiveness and intimacy with self and others. It has also given us a new appreciation for the power of dance.

Our dancing communities are reaching people world-wide thanks to Zoom. No longer limited by barriers of finance, time, and space, dancers from all over the globe can join our Dance of Oneness community – as well as the other dance communities facilitators have been so liberally sharing with us in Monday Love emails. As we expand our reach, our world feels smaller, more intimate, and within our grasp. We can’t touch each other in person, but we are touching one another across space in ways that truly transform us. I am blown away again and again by the level of intimacy and depth we are able to reach on Zoom. Like many, I would have never believed this pre-pandemic. All my teaching was in person before April 2020.

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Monday Love to your Source of Simplicity


“ Living simply makes loving simple.”

 ~ bell hooks

Do you practice ‘spring cleaning’? Which is easier for you: accumulating things or clearing stuff out? When it comes to stuff, just how much is enough?

Well, it must be something about the bright rays of sunshine and the lengthening days that light a fire under folks to tackle cleanup projects big and small. Entropy and inertia are fundamentally related, it’s one of those pesky laws of nature that makes it so that when you set something down somewhere it stubbornly stays there until something comes along to move it.


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Pray Dance Aloha: “Seed Planter”

Honouring the New Moon through danced prayer. Using hula, worship, and Polynesian fusion, we will become the Divine SEED, plant ourselves, be nurtured by God’s instruction, and grow with expectancy for a heavenly harvest! Dance & Faith commingle in this very important movement container.

10pm EST / 7pm PST / 5pm HST



Register:  https://bit.ly/danceseed

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Monday, March 1, 2021

Golden Monday Wave


March 1

|Recurring Event (See all)

Golden Monday Wave with Monika Ortner

After a mindful and enjoyable arrival in your body, you will be accompanied by the waves of the 5 rhythms. Carried by an inspiring beat, you have the freedom to move as you like. Your head and ego can withdraw for this period of time, while your feet take the lead. You will be amazed at the creativity that can emerge indirectly . We will sweat!

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Dynamic Waves Online

March 1

|Recurring Event (See all)

Dynamic Waves 5Rhythms w / Elisa Dynamic Waves Online is a great opportunity to dance with others in a welcoming and safe environment from the comfort of your own home!

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WAVES group B


March 1

|Recurring Event (See all)

Come and move with the map of the 5Rhythms.

Cycles of 5 sessions (one class per week) to deepen with the Rhythms and the Map. 

Created by Gabrielle Roth and practiced by tens of thousands of people around the world, 5Rhythms is a philosophy, a practice, a perfomatic art and above all a free movement practice based on the principle that if we put our mind in movement it will heal itself. alone.


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5 Rhythms – Free Dance


March 1

Only for women



Conscious Dance Festival


July 24 - July 31

Having been through the last year, the idea of getting together in person, in the summer, in France, with 70 other dancers, to go deep into the pulse of life through 7 different practices, sounds like…… well, heaven, frankly.

I’ll be there as one of the 7 faculty.


Find out more here


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