Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Monday Love to your Cosmic Coincidences


“ Coincidences are spiritual puns.”

 ~ G.K. Chesterson

Synchronicity!” she exclaimed. “Oh c’mon, there’s no such thing.” he scoffed. “It’s just a coincidence.” They walked further down the tunnel into the BART station. She pointed at another one of the ads for the museum that featured the exact same typeface that she’d just used on a flyer that very morning.

I’m telling you, it’s a sign! I was just thinking about Van Gogh and that whole weird thing about his ear while I was working! I was listening to Camper Van Beethoven and you know darn well my van is in the shop. Why in the heck do you think we’re taking BART?” He arched his eyebrow with the side-eye of the skeptic. “Van, Van, van. It’s Van’s all the way down!” She was practically shrieking. “Then we come down here and the whole station is plastered with Van Gogh’s mug on MOMA posters using Bodoni? It’s an omen, it has to be!

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