Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Dance First Member Insight from Banafsheh, creator of Dance of Oneness

This week’s Dance First Member Spotlight is from Banafsheh, creator of Dance of Oneness!

Dear dancers,

Despite all the tragedies and losses, the pandemic has simultaneously brought a new level of expansiveness and intimacy with self and others. It has also given us a new appreciation for the power of dance.

Our dancing communities are reaching people world-wide thanks to Zoom. No longer limited by barriers of finance, time, and space, dancers from all over the globe can join our Dance of Oneness community – as well as the other dance communities facilitators have been so liberally sharing with us in Monday Love emails. As we expand our reach, our world feels smaller, more intimate, and within our grasp. We can’t touch each other in person, but we are touching one another across space in ways that truly transform us. I am blown away again and again by the level of intimacy and depth we are able to reach on Zoom. Like many, I would have never believed this pre-pandemic. All my teaching was in person before April 2020.

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