Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Dance First Member Insight from Alexis Mulhauser, founder of Nourish the Essence!


This week’s Dance First Member Insight is from Bay Area-based Alexis Mulhauser, Nia Technique, Self-Breema, and Yin Yoga facilitator and founder of Nourish the Essence.

“Learning to Teach; Teaching to Learn”

Bringing expression to the dancefloor during COVID.

It never occurred to me a year and a half ago that I would find myself writing an article on my experience teaching people to move, dance, and experience connection through Zoom. This sudden change in my outer life catapulted me into a deeper exploration of movement, dance, and self-connection. Over the last year of the pandemic, I have found great support and benefit from saying yes to the experience of being connected within myself – and with sharing that with others through teaching Nia and Self-Breema online classes.


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