Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Monday Love to your Musical Moments of Maturity


“Growing up, I have discovered over time, is rather like housework: never finished.”

 ~ Lois McMaster Bujold

(Please enjoy these further recollections about growing up under the influence of vinyl)

“In which a curious youngster discovers that music may have consciousness-raising effects.

5th grade saw me uprooted from the cattle ranch and Scenic Elementary, my father had had enough of raising cattle and had got back to his roots developing real estate. We sold the ranch and relocated to Clifton, on the far side of the Grand Valley where he had built an “adults-only mobile home park” in other words an upscale trailer park for retirees. We lived in a model unit modular home in the center of the park, and I was the only youth among the 49 residences.


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