Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Dance First Member Insight from Movement Medicine co-founder Ya’Acov Darling Khan!


This week’s Dance First Member Spotlight is from global movement leader Ya’Acov Darling Khan, co-founder of Movement Medicine.

Greetings dear dancers,

My whole life has centered around the great unanswerable questions of our universe. The original iteration of this fascination was: ‘If God created all this, what created God.’ From the age of 5, I would fall asleep with the delight of this question on my lips, vanishing into the vastness of the night and the ‘much more real than waking life’ territory of my dreams. I loved the mystery. I still do.

Another word for the mystery is the Unknown. Each of us has a different threshold when it comes to the twin needs of certainty and uncertainty. Certainty, even if it’s an illusion, gives us a feeling of safety. Uncertainty, even if that’s an illusion, too, provides us with the sense of movement and evolution. The pandemic tipped that balance for most of us. Susannah (my wife of 35 years) and I saw the writing on the wall and, very early on, made the decision to cancel ALL our traveling for a year.


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