Monday, August 16, 2021

Monday Love to your Moments of Movement


“Consciousness is only possible through change; change is only possible through movement.”

 ~ Aldous Huxley

Are you getting enough movement in your day-to-day life? Have the shifts in our society caused a shift in your practice? What kind of adjustments have you made to deal with our evolving reality?

Since our world turned upside down well over a year ago a lot of things have changed. Remember when all the dances started to shut down? “We’re closing down for three weeks out of an abundance of caution.” or “See you next month!” Well, overly optimistic would be an understatement, to say the least.

Here in the East Bay where I was the host and resident DJ at Dance Jam we shut down in a hurry and left it open-ended. We’ll dance again in person when the danger has past and there’s no need for masks indoors. It doesn’t help that our room only opens up on one end so the best we can do is use fans to keep the air moving, there’s no way to have it flowing through.

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