Wednesday, September 29, 2021

TRANCE 5Rhythms ® workshop with live music in person


October 31

Do you have the discipline to be a free spirit?

“Waves move in patterns. Patterns move in rhythms. A human being is just that —energy, waves, patterns, rhythms. Nothing more. Nothing less. A dance.” G. Roth

In 5Rhythms movement is the medicine, the meditation and the metaphor. Together we peel back layers, lay our masks down, and dance till we disappear.

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MAPS TO ECSTASY Holy Shit & Daily Magic


October 31 - November 1


Holy Shit & Daily Magic

Heilung ist eine Reise. In Bewegung gesetzt, heilt sich die Psyche von allein. Dazu gehört, dass wir aus dem Gewohnten und Üblichen aussteigen und uns einen Tanzweg improvisieren. Dieser Weg führt von der Trägheit des Schlafwandelns zur Ekstase eines Lebens im Geiste des Augenblicks. Der Schlüssel ist eine radikal

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October 15 @ 7:30 pm - October 17 @ 4:30 pm EDT

stillness within every movement

silence behind every sound

spaciousness through every body

can you feel it, hear it, touch it?

Can we engage the power of our will, even as we surrender to life’s call?

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Deep Focus ‘live’


Deep Focus ‘live’

March 8, 2022 - March 13, 2022

If you’ve been involved in a movement practice for a while, then this may be for you: a format designed to radically open up your ability to work creatively and effectively with your specific personal material.

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Tuesday, September 28, 2021



October 12 @ 8:00 am - November 30 @ 5:00 pm HST

| $99

Oct. 12 – Nov. 30
Sacred Dance For The Devotional Woman


Polynesian basics, embodied prayer, story-tell through hips, hands, and heart.


More info & Registration:

“The Path Is Sacred…And So Are You”

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Dance First Member Insight from Xian Prem!


This week’s Dance First Members’ Spotlight shines on our entire revered family of Dance First members! It’s our honor and privilege to serve such a dynamic and high-vibration community of leaders around the world!

Starting out with long-time the pioneering Tamalpa Institute . From the Life/Art Process to the Tamalpa ArtCorps, they’re cultivating Anna and Daria Halprin’s family movement wisdom far and wide… Oakland-based Breema Center is creating connection around the globe with the Nine Principles of Harmony… The 5Rhythms of Gabrielle Roth are in good hands as her son Jonathan Horan carries the torch to the farthest edges of the map… Azul’s Amara Pagano & her partner Pier Paolo de Angelis are rocking the world with the One Dance Tribe gatherings and the online Conscious Dance Conference…

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Monday, September 27, 2021

Monday Love to your Power and Projects


“ Showing up is not all of life – but it counts for a lot.”

 ~ Hillary Clinton

Do you ever find yourself immersed in a project? What is it about making and creating things that’s so compelling? Why are some of us humans so geared towards building stuff?

It all starts with an idea. You, or someone else, has a thought that gets put into words. The idea starts to gel. A list is made, a doodle appears, there may be a napkin sketch involved.

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Saturday, September 25, 2021

Online Series: Dancing Breath with Natan Daskal


October 15 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am PDT

| $90

6 Fridays, Oct. 15, 22, 29, Nov. 5, 12 & 19, 10-11:30am Pacific Time, $90

Register here:

“Dance is the breath made visible.” — Anna Halprin.

Breath is foundational to all of our movement; to life itself. This series centers the breath as a way to find more ease, depth, connection and presence in our dances and in our lives.

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Special Online Workshop with DARIA HALPRIN: Self Portrait as Personal Myth, Metaphor & Muse


October 31 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm PDT

| $60

Sunday, October 31, 2021, 9AM-12PM, Pacific Time $60

Register here:

In this workshop, Daria will present a series of Life/Art questions for you to explore through embodied movement and art making. You will be led through the creation of self-portrait drawings that will serve as visual maps on your journey of self embodiment. Daria will guide you as you inhabit your drawings and reflect on their meaning and message using movement explorations and poetic narratives. Performative acts of healing will be invoked to inspire the recreation of new images and myths to live by. Strategic steps to bring your learnings forward into your daily life will be shared

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Online Series: Movement Ritual & Dance Explorations Igniting Aliveness ~ with Joy Cosculluela


November 1 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am PDT

| $60

4 Mondays, November 1 – 22, 10am-11:30am Pacific Time $60

Register here:

In this workshop, we tune in to our kinesthetic sense and explore how we stand and move through space. We pay attention to our bodies’ internal sensations and external expressions and play with movement dynamics such as tempo, force, and spatial relationships. As we invite more movement possibilities in our dances, we also open to more aliveness in our daily lives.

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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Online Series: Connect / Reflect / Enact: Performance Research Project ~ with Dohee Lee


November 4 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am PDT

| $200

7 Thursdays, November 4, 11, 18 (break for Thanksgiving on Nov 25) December 2, 9 from 9-11AM Pacific Time; December 16 & 23 9AM-12PM Pacific Time (last 2 meetings are 3 hours each) – $200

Register here:

This special 7-week workshop series will be facilitated by performance artist Dohee Lee. Dohee’s work, based on East Asian philosophy and traditional Korean arts combined with new art forms and rituals, is deeply influenced by her Korean cultural heritage.

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Online Workshop: Be Moved with Rosario Sammartino and Joshua McClain


November 14 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm PST

| $40

Sunday, November 14, 9AM-12PM Pacific Time – $40

Register here:

A collaboration between somatic expressive arts therapist Rosario Sammartino and cellist Joshua McClain, the Tamalpa Be Moved workshop invites you to journey into your body’s own dynamic melodies, dive into feeling and imagination, and move to the rhythm of discovery. Let the powerful vibrations of the cello, combined with the evocative teachings of the Tamalpa Life/Art Process open you up to the stories your body has to tell.
No previous experience in dance/art needed.

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Online Series: Movement Ritual & Dance Explorations Winter Solstice Series ~ with Joy Cosculluela


Online Series: Movement Ritual & Dance Explorations Winter Solstice Series ~ with Joy Cosculluela

November 29 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am PST

| $60

4 Mondays, November 29 – December 20, 10am-11:30am Pacific Time – $60

Register here:

The winter solstice marks a transition between seasons, inviting us to turn inward and make space for renewal. In this end-of-the-year movement workshop, we respond somatically, shift with the changing rhythms of our bodies, and slow down. Movement Ritual and Dance Explorations weave in sensations, feelings, and images, as we find inspiration from darkness and light.

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Online Series: Past Reflections, Present Stance, Future Hopes: A Self-Portrait Journey at Year’s End with Natan Daskal


December 7 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm PST

| $60

3 Tuesdays, Dec. 7, 14 & 21. 10am-12pm Pacific Time, $60

Register here:

Who have I been, who am I now, how will I re-vision myself?

The closing of the calendar year provides an opportunity to mark the cycle of time, to take stock of where and who we’ve been, and to envision our future. As 2021 comes to a close and 2022 awaits us, we use the Tamalpa Life/Art Process to reflect on who we’ve been this last year, who we are today, and who we want to become. Using the power of drawing, dance, creative writing and community, we explore ourselves through a self-portrait process that can help us mark the passage of time and tend to our growth.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Dance of Oneness® Radiant Embodiment Series Module VII: Crown Chakra & The Shekinah


October 5 @ 10:00 am - October 29 @ 11:00 am PDT

|Recurring Event (See all)
| $149


Dance Styles: Whirling, Veil Dance & Spirals
8-Session Live Online Course with Banafsheh
October 5 – 29
Tuesdays & Fridays @10-11am PT | 5-6pm UTC | Unlimited Access to Recordings

In this 8-Session Module, activate your Crown Chakra through whirling, spiral movement, and dancing with silks. We will explore the Tree of Life, the Shekinah, and the sacred union of the divine feminine and masculine.

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Online Series: NOURISH: Harvest Life/Art Nutrients through the Practice of Scoring ~ with Elisabeth Osgood-Campbell


Online Series: NOURISH: Harvest Life/Art Nutrients through the Practice of Scoring ~ with Elisabeth Osgood-Campbell

October 6 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am EDT

| $105

7 Wednesdays, October 6 – November 17, 10 – 11:30 AM Pacific time, $105/series

Register here:

Traditionally, in the northern hemisphere, autumn is the season for harvesting the fruits of our labor. For centuries, people picked and prepared food grown during the warmer months to sustain them through the winter. In this class series, we will ask, “What is feeding your Life/Art now?” and use the scoring process (or the RSVP cycle) to set intentions, collect resources, and design activities that yield nutrients for the months 

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Monday, September 20, 2021

Dance First Member Insight from Lucia Horan!


Dance First Member Insight from Lucia Horan!

This week’s Dance First Member Insight is from 5Rhythms dance, dharma, and meditation leader Lucia Horan!

Pillars of Self Care 
Let the love you give yourself,
become the fuel for the love you give others. 
There has never been a more important time than the era of COVID for us to reflect on our self-care practices. Most people I know are experiencing some kind of fatigue or burnout. Most of us are also living in a world where caregiving is a part of our daily lives: for our children; our parents; our professional fields. This caregiving is essential and can be exhausting.

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Monday Love to your Magic Momentum


Creativity is intelligence having fun.

 ~ Albert Einstein

So, you have a weekly newsletter and you’re at a loss for words.

Some 437 weeks of coming up with new and engaging topics, and you start to think, “Is the well running dry?”

It’s a creative pursuit, and you’ve managed to turn it into a predictable routine.

You’re in the habit of latching on to some little insight, epiphany, or folksy anecdote during the preceding week and running with it.

But sometimes you’re like “Ummmmm? Hmmmm… Let’s see, can’t rant about politics, need to be inspiring, what’s a cool motivational angle I haven’t covered before?”

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Thursday, September 16, 2021

Foundations | Fundamentos | OnLine | English Español


November 13 @ 6:30 pm - November 18 @ 9:00 pm EST

An online experience into the essence of Soul Motion® 

This course is a deeper dive for seasoned movers and an essential step into the foundational elements and architecture that support the practice of Soul Motion. We explore the key elements that make this powerful practice unique, including the relational landscapes and activity platforms of pause presence, orbit orientation and echo inspiration.

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Ecstatic Dance! Global Dance Temple


Join Larina & Murti for Ecstatic Dance! Global Dance Temple!
Join dancers from around the world as we enter this virtual dance portal of letting go, guided by the rhythms of music. It’s a moving meditation practice that can be liberating, freeing and cathartic!
Have fun playing with virtual backgrounds, disco lights & bring your pets/kids! All are welcome!
Virtual Event happens on: Sunday, September 19th, 9am Hawaii time.
12pm Pacific Time
Check your time zone and looking forward to dancing with you!

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Embodifest Ecstatic Dance Retreat


October 6

From the creator of ForMyPeople and SaturDance…
Embodifest Ecstatic Dance Retreat is a full spectrum integration for those who are ready for a fearless and magical experience.
This retreat is an opportunity for us to play with each other and heal ourselves in one of the most beautiful and magnificent places on Earth.

Moving Into Wellness Earth Dance Gathering


Moving Into Wellness Earth Dance Gathering

October 30

Movement Insights welcomes Moving Into Wellness for a day full of movement and connection.

State of the Art Floating Bamboo floor

Covid precautions: MEDIFY Air filtration system (as used in medical facilities), vaccination required, masks available

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#MEDIFY #Earth #Gathering #Movement #Covid

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Ecstatic Dance Gent * DJ tba*


Welcome to this unique Ecstatic Dance experience in Ghent!
Guided by the music we come together and dance to explore, to embrace whatever appears in the moment and to celebrate all of life!
You are welcome as you are, move as you feel it, let your body guide you.
We follow three simple basic guidelines :
No shoes, no booze/drugs, no chitchat. With grounded feet in the earth, we lift our spirits high! Plenty of water will juice us up.

Soul Motion Embodied Leadership Training 2021/22


Soul Motion Embodied Leadership Training 2021/22

October 28

We are living in an extraordinary world with much uncertainty, and personal and universal challenges and opportunities. Within these times, within all times, living a purposeful and connected life that enhances the communities we move within is possible. Truly, it is essential.

Dance First Member Spotlight on Fred Sugerman and Medicine Dance!


This week’s Dance First Member Spotlight is on Fred Sugerman and Medicine Dance!

Faith Feeling 

After playing The Wheel by Snowpoet and Keep Breathing by Ingrid Michaelson (hot tips, here, Relatives, if you do not know these tunes) at the beginning of a session with a client this morning, we paused. I asked, as I do, “Is there anything you are noticing or that occurred for you while you were moving?” Two words emerged: “content” and “faith.”


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Monday, September 13, 2021

Monday Love to your Ages and Stages


“Any time, any day,You can hear the people say,That love is blind, well, I don’t know but I say love is kind…”

 ~ Paul McCartney

(Today’s note is an excerpt from My Life in the Beats of Wax, an analog memoir…)

Grand Junction had one primary record store, an establishment called Mazucca’s on Main Street that had one foot planted squarely in the Summer of Love. The atmosphere inside a 70’s record store was an intoxicating combination of music that you could actually purchase, and relics and artifacts that hinted at the glories of the hippy world beyond. You walked in to the cloud of ever-burning incense smoke, and immediately looked at the album cover on display by the cash register to see what was playing on the turntable. The walls and ceilings above the rows of records on display are completely covered with posters of musical gods and goddesses, old and new.

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Sunday, September 12, 2021

Let Your Yoga Dance Halloween Party on Zoom


October 31 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm EDT

| $10.00

Sunday, October 31, 2021
Location: Online Zoom Class
6:00-7:15pm ET (5:00-6:15pm CT, 4:00-5:15pm MT, 3:00-4:15 PT)

Save this date for a Let Your Yoga Dance Halloween Party on Zoom, hosted by Megha and fellow teachers. Dance with folks around the world on Halloween. Bring your friends and family!

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Let Your Yoga Dance September Salon


Let Your Yoga Dance September Salon

September 18 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm EDT

| $10.00

Saturday, September 18, 2021
Location: Online Zoom Class
Karen Drucker by Tree
6:00-7:30pm ET (5:00-6:30pm CT, 4:00-5:30pm MT, 3:00-4:30 PT)

Join us for Salon #4 for a real treat with fabulous singer-songwriter Karen Drucker—and her partner in crime, Megha, who will weave some dances into the mix. Karen has a song for every occasion, guaranteed to make you laugh, cry, pound your fist in power solidarity, and open your heart as wide as the sky! We are so lucky to have her! Invite all your friends to the zoom party!


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Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Weekly Gentle Yoga and QiGong Online Class – Afternoon


September 16 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm EDT

|Recurring Event (See all)

We’ll join together in Gentle Yoga and QiGong. Bring your friends along – the more the merrier! The purpose of these classes is to bring some needed joy, health, and solace during this very difficult pandemic. I have the capacity for many people to join our zoom event, so please share the link with your friends so we can have a big celebration around the world!

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Weekly Gentle Yoga and QiGong Online Class – Evening


September 16 @ 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm EDT

|Recurring Event (See all)

We’ll join together in Gentle Yoga and QiGong. Bring your friends along – the more the merrier! The purpose of these classes is to bring some needed joy, health, and solace during this very difficult pandemic. I have the capacity for many people to join our zoom event, so please share the link with your friends so we can have a big celebration around the world!

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Monday, September 6, 2021

Weekly Let Your Yoga Dance Gentle Style – Morning


September 15 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am EDT

|Recurring Event (See all)

Let Your Yoga Dance Gentle Style, in and around chairs, for anyone needing a gentle class brings this delightful practice to elders, people with PD, MS, Arthritis, and any injury. We offer a mix of movement, song, creativity, and easy yoga that has brought increased strength, flexibility, balance and JOY to hundreds of students since 2007. This is a safe, joyful practice that literally anyone can do — in and around chairs — because it is offered in a fun-filled compassionate environment. It is accessible to everyone, both students and caregivers.

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Let Your Yoga Dance® Online Teacher Training for Special Populations


January 21, 2022 @ 8:00 am - January 30, 2022 @ 5:00 pm EST

Friday, January 21, 2022 to Sunday, January 23, 2022
Friday, January 28, 2022 to Sunday, January 30, 2022
Location: Online Zoom Program

PRE-Requisite: Let Your Yoga Dance Teacher Training*
* – For Certified Let Your Yoga Dance Teachers Only.

Two Weekends: (Friday Evening to Sunday at 4:15pm)


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Let Your Yoga Dance® Online Teacher Training


October 1 @ 8:00 am - November 21 @ 5:00 pm EDT

Friday, October 1, 2021 to Sunday, October 3, 2021
Friday, October 8, 2021 to Sunday, October 10, 2021
Friday, November 19, 2021 to Sunday, November 21, 2021
Location: Online Zoom Program

Three Weekends: (Friday Evening to Sunday at 4:15pm)

Join me, Megha, for three powerful, delightful weekends of Let Your Yoga Dance® Teacher Training—on Zoom!

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Dance First Member Spotlight on Phoenix OneSong and Dancing Freedom!


This week’s Dance First Member Spotlight is on Phoenix OneSong and Dancing Freedom!

My name is Phoenix, and I’m the director and lead teacher trainer for Dancing Freedom. Dancing Freedom is a movement ‘practice’ that supports people to come home to their body, their heart and their soul by connecting with the elements of Earth, Water, Fire, Air
and Ether.

I have been the loving steward of this dance-ship since 2016 when its founder, Samantha Sweetwater, passed the torch onto me. When I first met this practice on the Burning Man dance floor in 2010, it felt like I had found everything that mattered to me in one modality: conscious dance, ceremony, community connection, nature connection and animism (what most people might call

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Monday Love to your Labors of Love


“ The job of art is not to store moments of experience but to explore environments that are otherwise invisible. Art is not a retrieval system of precious moments of past cultures. Art has a live, ongoing function.”

 ~ Marshall McLuhan

Well, what do you know, it’s Labor Day once again here in the good old US of A, so let’s talk about work! Whatever you want to call it, be it labor, work, toil, a J.O.B., or that ideal scenario, a creative pursuit, the fact of the matter is that just about every one of us spends a great many of our waking hours doing something that brings home the potatoes.


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Saturday, September 4, 2021

Free online introductory event


September 21

TUES 21st SEPT 6.30-8.30 (UK)
Dancing with grief as a messenger of love and an agent of change

This free event is an invitation for anyone who would like to get a sense of what it is like to dance with grief in this unique way.

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Home Is Where You ARE


September 18

Breema bodywork, Self-Breema exercises, and the Nine Principles of Harmony offer a foundation that allows you to unify your body, mind, and feelings and take step after step towards fulfilling your true potential. Practicing Breema bodywork is equally beneficial for both giver and receiver.

Friday, September 3, 2021

Fall Equinox: Honoring the Cycle of Transitions & Change


September 21 @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm PDT

| Free – $30

Join Critical Dance Mass Company & Women Of Color Sister Collective for our Fall Equinox: Honoring the Cycle of Transitions and Change. As the day and night have equal time we enter a time of transition giving us the opportunity to reflect and embody the balance of dualities and contradictions in our lives – moving into acceptance and resilience.

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The Universal Dancer Podcast with Leslie Zehr and her guest Erica Ross co-founder of The Move and Dance Our Way Home


The Universal Dancer Podcast with Leslie Zehr and her guest Erica Ross co-founder of The Move and Dance Our Way Home

September 12 @ 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm UTC

| Free

In this episode, Erica shares with us her spiral journey of healing chronic pain. A journey, which lead her to write, She Reflects: A Spiral Journey for the Feminine Soul. We will talk about how we invite more curiosity, compassion, courage, and creativity into our lives through the turns of the spiral.

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