October 13 @ 10:00 am - November 3 @ 11:45 am
4 Thursdays, October 13, 20, 27, November 3 | 10-11:45am PT | $80/series
From a physiological perspective
the human heart is an organ central to the circulatory system. From an
archetypal perspective the human heart is an organ central to our
imagination, intellect, and aesthetic sensitivity. The intention for
this 4-week series is to explore, express, embody, and bridge into your
life, the wisdom of your own heart. Participants will enter the somatic,
imaginal, and relational realms of their heart and will learn that
there is a connective tissue, a fluid rich membrane, between those
realms. At the end of the series participants will gain embodied and
creative resources to cultivate a practice of connecting with the heart,
speaking from the heart, listening to the heart and, most importantly,
trusting the heart’s wisdom in their day-to-day lives and relationships.
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