Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Dance First Insight from Moti Zemelman & the Costa Rica Contact Improv Retreat!


This week’s Dance First Insight is from Moti Zemelman & Contact Improv!

9th annual Contact Improv Retreat in Costa Rica w/ Moti: Feb 11-18, 2023 @ The Goddess Garden Yoga Resort – Cahuita, Costa Rica.

Contact Improvisation has continued to be an anchor for me during these challenging pandemic years.  Having a regular practice that is about connection, relaxation and joy is key to living a healthy meaningful life.  I’m inspired by the idea of having pleasure and willpower be a regular part of my movement practice.  Feeling the pleasure of each micro-movement, the sensation of air on skin, leaves crunching under my feet, the delight of seeing my dance partner laughing as they slide down to the ground using my stable torso and limbs. This pleasure is one of our biggest resources.

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