Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Cyber Soul, an Open Floor online drop in session


June 26 @ 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm

| $12 – $14

In this drop in Open Floor class, through movement, all kinds of music, good company and a good map, time and again we find ways to connect to ourselves and each other – even online. I’m so curious about the marrying of the collective web we tap into on Zoom/ in cyber space.
How much of our Soul and Spirit can we support in each other and in ourselves for deep connection both inner and outer?

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Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Dance First Spotlight on The 43rd Annual Planetary Dance!


A Dance for Peace among Peoples and
Peace with the Earth.

This community ritual—created by Anna Halprin in 1980—is a participatory dance in the spirit of the powerful traditional rituals that brought communities together for a vital purpose, such as calling for rain or a successful harvest. Its underlying purpose is to advance Peace among People and Peace with the Earth. Additionally, each Planetary Dance has a theme that addresses the moment. The dance itself involves a simple run or walk, so people of varying ages and abilities can participate. Anna said, “When enough people move together in a common pulse with a common purpose an amazing force takes over—a power that can renew, inspire, teach, create and heal.”

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Monday Love to your Amazing Adventures


“ Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.”

 ~ Terry Pratchett

What do you call that feeling you have when something exciting is on the horizon? How would you describe your internal state on the eve of a big adventure? How can you really prepare for the unknown?

I’m not sure if the word anticipation is actually a feeling or not, but it somehow describes the state of mind. Excitement? Eagerness? Apprehension?

There are few things in life more comforting than a good solid routine. There are also few things more important than breaking it once in a while!

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Saturday, May 27, 2023

Back to the roots


June 28 @ 5:00 pm - July 2 @ 4:00 pm

At this free movement dance retreat, you are invited to connect with your roots, move in nature, explore and dig deep into your movements.

Throughout this retreat, we will invite you to connect with the natural world around you, to feel the earth beneath your feet, and to move from a place of deep grounding and rootedness.

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Ecstatic Dance Special: Eric Mandala (Canada)


June 30

Vanavond een héél bijzondere gast, die een korte tour door Europa maakt.
Eric Mandala (Canada) is Ecstatic Dance muziekproducent, dj, componist en multi-instrumentalist.
Zang, gitaar, Kora, Kamele N’goni (Afrikaanse Harpen) en vele andere instrumenten komen aan bod in zijn producties.

Bij optredens gebruikt hij live looping, mixt die met zijn elektronische producties en speelt hij hedendaagse en etnische instrumenten van over de hele wereld. Hij zingt in Universele Taal en mengt oude etnische dialecten met moderne klankgedichten (scat-poetry).
Hij speelt Afrikaanse harpen zoals de Kora en Kamale N’goni, die hij overigens ook zelf bouwt als instrumentmaker

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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

TANTRA SACRED DANCE Retreats for Women


5R Summer Retreat con Alex Mackay a Ostuni ! 10 edizione !!

July 8 @ 9:00 pm - July 15 @ 6:00 pm

Puoi scegliere se partecipare 7 giorni oppure 3 o 4.
Danzare giorno dopo giorno permette all’intero sistema di rilassarsi e ascoltare il sé profondo ritrovando equilibrio e creatività spontanee.
Esplorare le mappe Waves catalizza creatività, guarigione e cambiamento danziamo su una piattaforma di legno all’aperto, circondati da ulivi e libellule.

TANTRA SACRED DANCE Retreats for Women


July 20 @ 2:00 pm - July 23 @ 9:30 pm

Retreats for Women
in Sweden
with Ma Deva Vibha
(the founding teacher
of Tantra Sacred Dance)
Welcome Dear Sisters ~
We are offering you 2 Life Transforming Residential Retreats this Summer in beautiful Sweden!
You are invited to come together in a Sacred Circle of women to experience and enliven your beautiful essence through Tantra Sacred Dance and other transformational methods.
The Retreats offer you a portal into the Mysteries of the Sacred Feminine and the freeing of your Inner Goddess.

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Dance First Spotlight on Critical Mass Dance Company!


Critical Mass Dance Company supports the well-being, joy and resilience of women and gender non-conforming individuals through the transformative act of dance and movement.

We center the wellness of Black, Indigenous, women of color; immigrants (documented and undocumented); and LGBTQIA+ individuals.

We aspire to co-create brave movement spaces where all bodies can dance freely from all expressions, abilities, cultural and ethnic backgrounds.

We welcome the full participation of gender beyond the binary, sexuality as a galaxy and a collaborative creation of a healthy, diverse and inclusive community through dance.

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Monday Love to your Well of Ideas


“ Creativity is seeing what everyone else has seen, and thinking what no one else has thought.”

 ~ Albert Einstein

“Only talented people are creative.” “You’re either born with talent or you’re not.” “The first idea is usually the best.”

What do all those statements have in common? They are preconceived notions about creativity.

But when it comes to creativity, there is no such thing as a linear path. In fact, as it turns out, recent studies have shown that some of our most common preconceptions about creativity are wrong.

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Sunday, May 21, 2023



July 29 @ 8:00 pm - July 31 @ 8:00 pm

Sometimes what we are good at doing is handy. Sometimes we feel trapped, stuck in managing a situation, searching for new ways to thrive. Sometimes we deeply feel that we are not expressing the whole of ourselves.
Beyond the “same old, same old”, beyond the roles we play every day, beyond the moves we already know… there is a whole universe of creativity and unexplored territories.
We’ll use the 5 Rhythms map to uncover the old patterns and create new options. We’ll let each other be mirrors of our spontaneous moves, play and express what is true for us in the moment and receive the support of the whole group.

Saturday, May 20, 2023

Dissolve into painting


This workshop is an opportunity to embody your most creative self with total with freedom, relaxation and joy..

We move, dance, paint and reach meditative states together. And it requires no previous experience to participate, so you don’t even need to have a thing for painting to join! Because exploring the creative process like we do, is an active -and yet relaxed- way of experiencing meditation, where you have the space and support to play with your creativity

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Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Stretch Class for Men! Return to Mobility with Rob and Todd


May 21 @ 5:00 pm

This once-a-month class teaches guys to stretch at home specific to their needs. Men, although more muscular than women, can also be less flexible; flexibility is key to maintaining mobility as people move on through the years. Even younger guys can use guidance with flexibility!

Todd Morgan (Massage Therapist) and Rob Hernandez (Yogi and Yoga Teacher Trainer) together, will assist students with specific moments that will focus on hips, hamstrings, shoulders, and lower back so you can maintain a healthy body in between regular workout classes.


The Healing Space with Gil Casares


May 20 @ 7:00 pm

The Synergy Studio would like to invite 7 participants to a once a month gathering hosted by Gil Casares: The Healing Space is a 90-minute special engagement that takes place at the time of the new moon.

The intention of this experience is to promote healing through the three modalities of restorative yoga, reiki and guided meditation while utilizing the energies that the new moon provides: attraction.

During this session the participants will work through the 7-chakra system while resting in a restorative asana. Each asana will correlate to the chakra being focused on and the participant will be guided through breath, visualization and intention, thus allowing the participant to clear and balance their system.

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The Path of the Wounded Healer ~ A 5Rhythms Heartbeat & Mindfulness Workshop with Lucia Horan


November 10 @ 1:00 pm - November 12 @ 7:00 pm

The healing path has a trajectory. Gabrielle Roth called this, The Path of The Wounded Healer. It is here that we look closely at our healing process. We mark both where we are and where we want to be. We dance through the five stages of healing in relationship to being the victim, the survivor, the healer, the transformer, and eventually the one who rests in compassionate service.

Our sacred task in life is to transform the most difficult things we have been through into our greatest strengths. These are the stories of our resiliency, vulnerability, and strength. It is here one may learn how to move with what is and transform it to what we want it to be.

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WINGSPAN ~ LIVE WIRE ~ SEATTLE ~ Led by Lorca Simons & Joanne Winstanley


Come spread your wings, free your mind, expand your imagination, magnify your curiosity, and illuminate your breath in the beat.

Awaken and sharpen those places in yourself that need a rewire, recharge, a realigning back to what is most original and true.

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Monday, May 15, 2023

Dance First Spotlight on WILD WOMAN ACTIVATION 2023 With Sofiah Thom!


Are you ready to understand what it means to access the Wild Woman Within and HOW this archetype supports you in living your best life? No more holding back or tip-toeing around what you want; it’s time to be seen in your leadership.

Experience how it feels to have confidence that oozes and ripples out all around you. Connect to your power and stop playing small. Show up as the Wayshower in your life and career as you take a stand for what you believe. Let go of worrying about what others think. So you can create a life full of more joy, presence, connection, and pleasure.

Join Sofiah Thom for a Free Online Wild Woman Activation Retreat … and awaken the artist within that is here to create art that shifts the world on May 25-26, 2023.

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Monday Love to your Flux and Flow


“ The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”

 ~ Alan Watts

Have you ever heard the expression “even with the best laid plans”? Is it actually possible to have a neat and orderly and predictable existence? Does your ability to navigate uncertainty correlate to your overall quality of life?

Even when you think you’ve got all your ducks in a row, life can throw you a curveball. If you’ve ever had kids, (or even pets for that matter), you know what I’m talking about.

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Friday, May 12, 2023

Well:spring – A Day of Community Wellness


June 17 @ 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm

| Free

Free community offering to gather & share the abundance of community resources that support our collective care on the path to liberation.

Join us on June 17th from 1-5pm at El Sereno Community Garden for Well:spring – A Day of Community Wellness! Critical Mass Dance Company invites you to celebrate the summer solstice with us by activating our collective webs of support, nourishment, and mental well-being.

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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

The Tao of Loving


October 16 @ 9:30 am - October 20 @ 1:00 pm




We all feel a lot, deep down. And we are born with the instinct for full-body expression of those feelings, whether painful or pleasurable. Humans are hard-wired to let our feelings show through our physicality: we naturally light up in joy, sag downwards in sorrow, thrust forwards in anger and retreat backwards in fear.

These feeling-states are vibrant energies which can be inspiring catalysts for movement and dance. Even the ‘negative’ feelings become fascinating, luminous experiences once we begin to move with them, all with a raw, spontaneous, creative potential that is both archetypal and deeply personal.

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The Festival


August 14 - August 19

From the 14 of august afternoon to the  19 of august morning  2023

  • dance studios for in depth work
  • an outdoor dance space
  • teachers from around Europe
  • a live musician
  • organic and local food made on site
  • facilities that are unique and open to as many people as possible from single rooms to camping places

This festival welcomes you to dance of course, and also to enjoy exceptional nature in the heart of the wild Ardèche, with forest, a lake for swimming, and all amenities to make these days as nourishing and enjoyable as possible.

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Tuesday, May 9, 2023

One Dance Tribe: Revolution


Everything is changing in our world… how are you adapting?

And even more important, how are you contributing?

For the past 10 years, OneDanceTribe gathering has been bringing together conscious movement school founders, senior teachers, spiritual leaders, world class healers, artists and dancers to share in the experience of meeting as ONE GLOBAL TRIBE.

Each session is woven into one thread that links every offering into a unified fabric providing a rich, unique and unforgettable experience of embodied movement.

This Revolution will offer a delightful and rich exploration of the pathways that are opening for us to navigate the new that is unfolding.

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Right Here, Right Now


June 16 - June 18

To be a dancing warrior, embodied; no matter whether pleasurable or painful, whether I’m alone or in company, whether I understand what’s happening or not, I will say yes to this experience and be as creative as I can with what I have, I will seek the growth and learning and healing here, I will let this moment dance me even deeper awake and alive, in love, in truth, with every breath I have.

This is not for the faint-hearted, but then none of us are faint-hearted. Not really. We all have a longing for life and for freedom so profound that deep down we will tackle anything to reach for it. Maybe sometimes we lose hope, but we can help each other out, encourage, cheer on, take hands; we don’t have to do this alone.

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Dance First Spotlight on Banafsheh and Dance of Oneness!



Iranian-born master dance artist and transformational teacher, Banafsheh communicates the universal message of Sufi mysticism and Divine Feminine wisdom in a passionate yet serenely meditative way. Her dance is an interplay between trance and directed movement, precise yet abandoned and unrestrained. Her explosive yet fluid movement is sensual and ritualistic, uniting the feminine and masculine energies, body and soul, light and dark in a marriage of opposites. She invokes the ancient roots of dance as devotion, prayer and adoration while blazing an original trail in contemporary dance with her masterly fusion of high level dance technique and spirituality.

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Monday, May 8, 2023

Monday Love to your Inspiring Elders


“ The elders are the history and mirror of the living past. Study them to brighten your life and future.”

 ~ Ehsan Sehgal

How do you maintain perspective in your life? What’s your best way of seeing your situation from a different point of view? Why is it good to see yourself through another lens occasionally?

When you were a kid, did you sometimes wonder what the world looks like through the eyes of an adult!? The converse applies as a grown-up. How many times have you heard a variation on the theme of “If I had only known then what I know now!”

How easy it is to forget the wisdom of other generations. And what a pleasure it is when we remember!

The exchange of knowledge and insight and inspiration is a two-way street. It’s as rewarding to acknowledge the wisdom of an elder as it is gratifying for that elder to impart it to you.

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Saturday, May 6, 2023

In-Person Public Workshop at Esalen Institute: Empowering Creativity with DARIA HALPRIN


July 31 - August 4

Since time immemorial, movement, dance, and the expressive arts have provided individuals and communities with a sense of soulful expression, healing, inspiration, spirit, and connection. We now need to reconnect with these ways more than ever.

The Life/Art Process®, developed by Anna Halprin and Daria Halprin, bridges body awareness, art expression, and psychological processes, providing people with an opportunity to experience dance and the expressive arts as a way to learn, heal, expand creativity, and develop new strategies for personal and professional life. This groundbreaking, innovative approach to human development, embodied creativity, and transformative learning began in the 1950s, and the tradition continues today.

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Online Series: Celebrating Summer Solstice, Lightening Up with Joy Cosculluela


June 12 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am

| $55

June 12, 19, and 26 | 10 am – 11:30 am Pacific Time | Cost: $55/series

What would you like to light up in your creative practice? Join us this time of the year to spark your creative fire and connect to your sense of lightness.

We’ll use Anna Halprin’s Movement Ritual & Dance Explorations as somatic resource to relax, guide, and energize our expressive bodies. We’ll explore letting go of unnecessary tension, finding support, and sensing how movement travels through the body. We can discover how lightening up makes room for creativity. In the last session, we’ll interact with our drawings and writings and give voice to what wants to come forward. All are welcome!

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Friday, May 5, 2023

Dance of Oneness®: Poetry in Motion, Dance the Revolution Monthly Live Online Workshop with Banafsheh Sunday, May 28 @10am-12pm PT | 5-7pm UTC


May 28 @ 10:00 am - May 29 @ 12:00 pm

Dance mystical poetry into motion for healing yourself and our collective, for creating an inner and outer revolution. Dance to harmonize with the Earth through a full-bodied, robust dancing that makes you fully ALIVE and activates the sacred in your body and in your relationships in this tremendously challenging and creative time to be alive.

Link “Join Now” button to


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[TranscenDance™] It’s time to flower together!


(Register at:

Spring has sprung! And along with it a full moon with a partial eclipse called the “Flower Moon,” for the May flowers that are in full bloom here in North America.

A powerful way to celebrate the season and harness the power of the Full Moon is during our TranscenDance™ for Purpose & Passion Live Virtual Class (with a Full Moon Celebration), happening Saturday, May 6th at 10am Pacific!

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Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Dance of Oneness®: Introduction to the Sacred Dance of Whirling 4-week Live Online Workshop with Banafsheh


May 20 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Saturdays, May 20 – June 10 @10am-12pm PT | 5-7pm UTC

This course demystifies turning, offering access to the Sufi whirling meditation in a few simple steps. An age-old practice of the legendary Sufi masters Rumi and Shams, this practice dissolves mental chatter into the vast ocean of presence, and you begin to simply be… free, present, and wildly inspired. If you long to meditate with movement and feel drawn to truly ground your spirituality in your body and gain practical tools to live with more grace and clarity, this Course is for you. Explore some of the love poems that flowered from Rumi as he whirled, and the symbolism and philosophy of this sacred dance.


Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Dance First Spotlight on Bay Phil Plays Beethoven!


Hello Fellow Dancers! Since you love to dance, we know you’ll thoroughly enjoy the Bay Philharmonic Plays Beethoven happening on June 3 & 4 in Union City.

Bay Philharmonic (formerly Fremont Symphony) presents two high-energy performances featuring internationally award-winning pianist, improviser, and composer Charlie Albright, visionary conductor Jung-Ho Pak, along with the highly entertaining 50-piece Bay Philharmonic.

Tickets are $35 to $67 and are available on the Bay Philharmonic website,

Contact to enter to win a pair of tickets to either performance.

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Monday Love to your Restful Retreats


“ In order to understand the world, one has to turn away from it on occasion.”

 ~ Albert Camus

When is the last time you truly unplugged? What counts as unplugging nowadays anyway? Why is it so important to occasionally press your metaphysical reset button?

If there’s one thing we can all agree upon, it’s that we probably don’t do it often enough!

For those of us of a certain age, we can remember when life in general was much more unplugged.

It was 30 years ago this week that the Internet sprang to life. Within a decade, pretty much everybody who was anybody was on it.

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