Monday, May 8, 2023

Monday Love to your Inspiring Elders


“ The elders are the history and mirror of the living past. Study them to brighten your life and future.”

 ~ Ehsan Sehgal

How do you maintain perspective in your life? What’s your best way of seeing your situation from a different point of view? Why is it good to see yourself through another lens occasionally?

When you were a kid, did you sometimes wonder what the world looks like through the eyes of an adult!? The converse applies as a grown-up. How many times have you heard a variation on the theme of “If I had only known then what I know now!”

How easy it is to forget the wisdom of other generations. And what a pleasure it is when we remember!

The exchange of knowledge and insight and inspiration is a two-way street. It’s as rewarding to acknowledge the wisdom of an elder as it is gratifying for that elder to impart it to you.

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