Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Right Here, Right Now


June 16 - June 18

To be a dancing warrior, embodied; no matter whether pleasurable or painful, whether I’m alone or in company, whether I understand what’s happening or not, I will say yes to this experience and be as creative as I can with what I have, I will seek the growth and learning and healing here, I will let this moment dance me even deeper awake and alive, in love, in truth, with every breath I have.

This is not for the faint-hearted, but then none of us are faint-hearted. Not really. We all have a longing for life and for freedom so profound that deep down we will tackle anything to reach for it. Maybe sometimes we lose hope, but we can help each other out, encourage, cheer on, take hands; we don’t have to do this alone.

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