Monday, May 15, 2023

Dance First Spotlight on WILD WOMAN ACTIVATION 2023 With Sofiah Thom!


Are you ready to understand what it means to access the Wild Woman Within and HOW this archetype supports you in living your best life? No more holding back or tip-toeing around what you want; it’s time to be seen in your leadership.

Experience how it feels to have confidence that oozes and ripples out all around you. Connect to your power and stop playing small. Show up as the Wayshower in your life and career as you take a stand for what you believe. Let go of worrying about what others think. So you can create a life full of more joy, presence, connection, and pleasure.

Join Sofiah Thom for a Free Online Wild Woman Activation Retreat … and awaken the artist within that is here to create art that shifts the world on May 25-26, 2023.

Read More Here

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