Wednesday, April 26, 2023

BODY Wise – Exploring Through Somatic Landscapes (EU & US Community Circle)


BODY Wise – Exploring Through Somatic Landscapes (EU & US Community Circle)

May 27

Exploring Through Somatic Landscapes
with Kate-Marie & Community
​Community Circle 2
(for EU & US Time zones)
May 27, 28 & June 10, 11
18hr – 21hr CET (Paris)
And: 9am – 12pm PST (Portland) / 3pm – 6pm (New York)

Join an intimate community circle of 8 people over 2 weekends to discover and listen to the various terrains of the body, enabling us to gain insight, relaxation and ease with our unique wisdom and language of our body. This is an experiential community process that gives you and I an opportunity to deeply listen and remember the wisdom of our body. We are here to learn and share together, each of us bringing our unique wisdom to the group.

Read More Here

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