Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Love, Identity and Archetypes. Biodanza in Glastonbury


August 26 @ 2:30 pm - August 27 @ 9:00 pm

What is your place in the Universe? What roles do you play? Which masks do you wear?
Archetypes reveal universal truth, transcending time and culture: they include The Hero, The Lover and The Magician.
We will be travelling through 22 Arcana Archetypes, a journey of self-discovery, dropping masks of the past and adopting new roles. We will explore and transform with each dance becoming The One we never dared to be.
(Please bring something to brighten up the symbolism of your new role – a special item of clothing: a scarf, a cloak, a hat or jewellery perhaps)
The ceremonies will be held individually and in the group where you can dance your Rebel, your Shaman, your Goddess.

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