Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Dance First Spotlight on The Tamalpa Experience at Mt. Madonna Center!


This week’s Monday Love Spotlight is on The Tamalpa Experience with Daria Halprin and Tamalpa Core Faculty Dohee Lee & Natan Daskal 
IN-PERSON workshop!
Sunday, June 4 – Thursday, June 8, 2023

Grounded on the Halprin work, the Tamalpa Experience introduces an approach that enlivens dialogue between body and imagination, life experiences and art making, creativity and healing. While on this retreat, you will be introduced to the foundational methods and models of the Tamalpa Life/Art Process.

Through the use of movement, drawing, poetic writing, improvisational performance and ritual, you will tap into art’s symbolic language to encounter and explore current life themes, generating new resources to apply in your personal and professional life.

Read More Here

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