Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Monday Love to your Observational Awareness


“ The best way out is always through.”

 ~ Robert Frost

How are your powers of observation? Is there truly power in the act of observation?

Paying attention is the cornerstone of our existence, and if we are blessed with the gift of sight, we are peeking, peering, and poring over things all of the time.

But sight hasn’t always been ascendant. Just a few short centuries ago, hearing would’ve been considered the apex of our senses.

Vision has given us straight roads, tall buildings, and a cornucopia of art. We see into the future and the past, our dreams and memories are cinematic.

Sound, however, surrounds us. We are enveloped in a three dimensional realm of sound every moment of our lives. Sound provides the vibrational atmosphere that colors our existence from every angle.

With Covid receding somewhat into the background, and spring time springing across the land, it’s an interesting time to people-watch once again. I have been finding it very interesting to see what peoples faces look like without their masks.

Some of the artists at the school where I teach have only revealed their faces in the past few weeks so it’s like getting to know their true personalities for the first time.

Next time you are gazing at a random person or a group of people, try a little somatic thought experiment. See if you can imagine what the world feels like from inside their skin.

No matter how different their body type may be, regardless of what their lifestyle or cultural choices are, and irrespective of what they eat or how they spend their day, the fact is they are running around with the same set of senses that you have.

It’s actually a remarkable thing to really observe and put your attention on. There’s a deep commonality between all of us human creatures. We all have itches to scratch, spots that tickle, and spines that tingle.

And yet on the surface, we are all so different! It’s an odd thing to ponder when you’re really paying attention. We can be so different on the surface, and yet share a similar set of subjective feelings on the inside.

If nothing else, it will help you give someone the benefit of the doubt. You’re bound to encounter people who are for one reason or another not acting their best or not having their best day. And you know what it’s like to carry a feeling inside that you’re not ready to share with the world.

When that happens, ask yourself what’s going on inside you. You might find the answer surprises you!

Much love till next week 😉


Mark Metz
Director of the Dance First Association
Publisher of Conscious Dancer Magazine

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