Monday, April 17, 2023

Monday Love to your Moves and Mojo


“ Hope floats but effort propels.”

 ~ Rob Liano

How do you get in gear? Do you have a secret for staying in motion? Why is it so important to maintain momentum?

Name practically anything in your life, and you’ll see that it requires some sustained energy to keep it going. The question is, how do you keep your mojo fired up?

If you’ve ever had to cram for an exam at the last minute, or pull an all-nighter on the eve of a deadline, you know that procrastinating until it’s time to sprint can be a recipe for disaster.

(however, when it comes to creative pursuits, there is something to be said for last-minute pressure. Some folks thrive on it, but personally I wouldn’t recommend.)

With mundane things like showing up for work, maintaining a movement practice, or learning a new skill or language, regular progress and forward motion are your friends.

Here’s one way to look at it. The flipside of momentum is rhythm. The best way to keep that flywheel turning is to give it a regular push. Daily, weekly, or monthly intervals are the most common, but you are free to dance to the beat of your own drummer.

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