Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Monday Love to your Contributing Character


“ Character may almost be called the most effective means of persuasion.”

 ~ Aristotle

Let’s see, I’m guessing that you might be in some sort of a position to sign people up for one of your programs or persuade people to use your service.

You might be a dance leader or a coach or a consultant or a workshop organizer or a teacher trainer or who knows what. If you’re putting yourself out there with any kind of a service or offer, you’ve probably given some thought to just how in the heck do you get people to sign up.

In this woo-woo world of conscious dance or holistic health or mind-body fitness, the word ‘sales’ has a somewhat tarnished reputation. ‘Marketing’ is another term that is often misused or misunderstood.
One of these terms is about getting people curious enough to knock on your door and ask questions, the other is about persuading them to sign on the dotted line.

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