Saturday, April 24, 2021

Relax Into Being: The Costa Rica Retreat


February 5, 2022 - February 12, 2022

A tropical retreat led by Zuza & Scott: a week of wonder at the meeting point of jungle and sea, at Blue Spirit Costa Rica (in one of only five Blue Zones on the planet).

Are you longing to relax – with self, with others, and into the great Mystery that we also are?

Let’s take a winter break together where sweet air & warm ocean water kiss the skin, offering playful rest for body, heart and soul.

With movement sessions offered daily on a spacious schedule – to dance wildly and luxuriate in micro-movements, to listen inside and express what moves us – we will create together a safe space for relaxation, connection, and ease.

We will move and be moved, speak from the heart, laugh from the belly, and – last not least – take frequent naps.

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