Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Monday Love to Your Formative Years Plus


“Youth is the gift of nature, but age is a work of art.”

 ~ Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

Do you remember Middle School? Or maybe it was called Junior High, like it was for me. Those years in your educational career that roughly spanned the ages between about eleven and fourteen.

Looking back it might be just a distant memory, and if you were one of the lucky ones, a time you fondly recall. That tightrope between childhood and adolescence, also known as puberty, spans a gulf of emotional awakening that is as treacherous as the Grand Canyon for most.

Without a doubt, the ‘coming-of-age’ years, especially in the modern West, are among the most dramatic and tumultuous eras of life. Modern youth in the West are largely adrift, as rituals or community ceremonies that were common in archaic times are for the most part absent.


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