Friday, January 29, 2021

Wicked Weekly Waves



In this class you can allow yourself to slow down and unwind from the week.

With the guidance of the 5Rhythms practice, Marjolein will lead you into the dance with “Whooping it up” to letting loose and washing waves.

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Ready? Let


January 29

|Recurring Event (See all)

“The spirit in motion heals, expands, circles in and out of the body,
moving through the layers of consciousness from inertia to ecstasy.
Open to the spirit, and you will be transformed.”
~ Gabrielle Roth ~

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January 8 @ 9:00 am - February 12 @ 10:15 am PST

6 week committed class series

Drop-ins are welcome!

Pre-registration required ($115 for the series, $20 drop-in)

The zoom link will be emailed to you with your ticket.

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Morning Waves


January 29 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am EST

|Recurring Event (See all)

“Energy moves in waves. Waves move in patterns.Patterns move in rhythms. Human beings are just that; Energy, waves, patterns, rhythms. Nothing more, nothing less…a dance.” ~ Gabrielle Roth

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Thursday, January 28, 2021

Awaken Your Medicine Woman


June 2 @ 4:00 pm - September 19 @ 5:00 pm PDT

| $375 – $500

We will be creating an inner circle sisterhood to journey together and awaken the Medicine Woman within.

Learn how to effectively clear and restore your energy for daily balance and happiness!
*spark your intuition
*use the elements as healing tools
*claim your power

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Dance to Enliven your Interconnectivity


February 1 @ 8:30 am - 9:30 am PST

|Recurring Event (See all)
| $26 – $128

This month we will be exploring our movements with threads that enliven our interconnectivity. What does this mean? Interconnectivity as a term is quite simple, it means the state or quality of being interconnected. My interest is in how we feel it within the organism of our body.

In my recent studies with Liz Koch, author & educator of the Psoas. I realized that I am ready to let go of any mechanized language in reference to the body, I am ready to shatter any compartmentalization I may have created when thinking about body, mind, spirit, emotions.

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Wednesday, January 27, 2021



“Movement is change. In my experience, if you put your psyche in motion it will heal itself. Movement is the medicine. Each of us has the power and responsibility to heal ourselves, to be our own medicine man or woman. Awakening our innate powers of being, loving, knowing, seeing and healing involves ongoing work at all levels and in all dimensions of our self.”

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Short Waves


October 9, 2020 - June 18, 2021

One hour session, non-guided a-la Sweat Your Prayers. Mostly wordless music. Class size limited. Please reserve with a message to +34 606 316 201 or on the FB group. Thanks.

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Long Waves


October 9, 2020 - June 18, 2021

A deep dive into our energies.

Class size limited. Please reserve via message to +34 606 316 201 or on the FB group.

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Empowered Presence


January 28 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm EST

|Recurring Event (See all)

5Rhythms is a movement meditation practice where we seek to liberate ourselves from the monkey mind of thought and encourage our sensational, intuitive and natural selves to lead the way. To embody the 5 basic rhythms of Flow, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness helps us to understand ourselves better and assists us to move with the ups and downs that life offers with grace and presence.'

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Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Dance First Member Insight: Jennifer Joy Jimenez & TranscenDance


This week’s Dance First Member Spotlight is from Jennifer Joy Jimenez creator of TranscenDance!

Dear Dancers

One of my favorite quotes is from Gabriel Roth’s book “Maps to Ecstasy”:

So the body is where the dancing path to wholeness must begin. So many of us are not in our bodies, really at home and vibrantly present there. Nor are we in touch with the basic rhythms that constitute our bodily life. We live outside ourselves – in our heads, our memories, our belongings – absentee landlords of our own estate. A brochure I saw at a chiropractor’s office says: ‘If you wear out your body, where are you going to live?” – Gabrielle Roth.

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Sunday, January 24, 2021

Deep Focus ‘live’


August 23 - August 28

Note: numbers may be very limited in order to comply with current guidelines. For more information on cancellation terms, restrictions etc, please contact the Ost-West Centrum.

If you’ve been involved in a movement practice for a while, then this may be for you: a format designed to radically open up your ability to work creatively and effectively with your specific personal material.

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Saturday, January 23, 2021

5Rhythms®: Shadow Dancer With Lucia Horan


January 30 @ 9:00 am - 2:00 pm EST

5Rhythms® Shadow Dancer

The 5Rhythms® moving meditation teaches mindful awareness of the body. Dancing the shadows invites us to open the gateway to the heart. It is here that we have an opportunity to explore what closes and opens our emotional states.

We will learn how to track energy, where it gets stuck and where it moves, expanding our capacity to sustain present time awareness with all that is.

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5Rhythms®: Flowing Courage With Lucia Horan


February 13 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm EST

| $65 – $125

In this 5Rhythms® workshop, we will dance the first rhythm of flowing, exploring what fear has to teach us and how we can be courageous.
About this Event

5Rhythms®: Flowing Courage

In times of great change many of us are searching for a sense of freedom. Our fear is a primary component that often holds us back from living freely and fully. As victims to life circumstances

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5Rhythms®: Staccato Forgiveness With Lucia Horan


February 27 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm EST

| $65 – $125

In this 5Rhythms® workshop, we will dance the second rhythm of staccato , exploring how anger gives us the opportunity to forgive.

About this Event
5Rhythms®: Staccato Forgiveness
In Gabrielle Roth’s own words, “We are the strongest, when we are the most vulnerable.” Join us as we dance into the power of our individual Staccato nature. It is this powerful space that allows us to touch into the strength of our inner vulnerability.

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5Rhythms®: Chaos, Grief Dancer With Lucia Horan


March 13 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm EST

| $65 – $125

In this 5Rhythms® workshop, we will dance the third rhythm of chaos, exploring what grief has to teach us about surrendering to our hearts.

About this Event

5Rhythms®: Chaos, Grief Dancer

Gabrielle Roth taught, “The only way out, is through”. The rhythm of Chaos invites us to surrender to something larger than our individual selves. Have you been telling yourself to “let go”? Have you been waiting to release the weight and sorrows of your past? The sacred nature of Chaos breaks down barriers and lets these flood gates loose.

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5Rhythms®: Lyrical Joyful Generosity With Lucia Horan


March 27 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT

| $65 – $125

The state of being in Lyrical is a result of the Chaos dance. Resting in the aftermath of the chaos, we are delivered into the openness of Lyrical. This goes beyond choreography. It is purely a feeling, a simple state of being. Here we align with the nature of change, practicing the art of becoming an agile athlete of life. Lyrical brings us into the spirit of shape shifting so that we can rewrite our stories and recreate our reality and relationship to what is.

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5Rhythms®: Still Compassion With Lucia Horan


April 10 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT

| $65 – $125

5Rhythms®: Still Compassion

Stillness opens the door to the connection to self, partner, community and the divine unknown. The state of Stillness dissolves all rhythms into oneness. It is here that we touch into the great emptiness that unifies all aspects of life. We touch into the truth of impermanence, the sacred thread of birth, life and death.

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Friday, January 22, 2021

5Rhythms®: Emptiness Dancer With Lucia Horan


April 24 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm EDT

| $65 – $125

5Rhythms®: Emptiness Dancer

Dance until the dancer disappears and only the dance remains ~ Osho

At the core of Gabrielle Roth’s teachings, she believed that when we get out of our own way, the true dance begins. Our bodies are a vehicle for powerful spirit to come through. The dancer is here to dance free of the ego and past, so that we can live fully in the present.

To dance is to address healing on all levels, body, mind, heart and spirit. In order for an integrated healing to take place, all quadrants needs to be addressed. As we heal what we have lived through, we can begin to see the present moment with clarity. In achieving this, we can live fully, in passion and without fear.

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Thursday, January 21, 2021

Yoga for Clinicians (Online Training Event)


February 13 @ 5:30 am UTC+5

Join Dr Jamie Marich, Alexandra Bodnarchuk, the choreographer/director/producer of the film, and Dancing Mindfulness Facilitator and performer Alicia Hann, for a virtual screening of the film, Heritage Sites.

Set in an enigmatic space containing a bathtub, we initially see an interplay between the water and each dancer as they tentatively touch, experience, and immerse themselves in it. Filmed on location in a warehouse in St. Paul, the dancers eventually transcend the confines of the tub to the floor of the space. Moving deftly between the pillars they jump, run, and sway.

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Heritage Sites: A Virtual Screening and Conversation


February 13 @ 5:30 am UTC+5

Join Dr Jamie Marich, Alexandra Bodnarchuk, the choreographer/director/producer of the film, and Dancing Mindfulness Facilitator and performer Alicia Hann, for a virtual screening of the film, Heritage Sites.

Set in an enigmatic space containing a bathtub, we initially see an interplay between the water and each dancer as they tentatively touch, experience, and immerse themselves in it. Filmed on location in a warehouse in St. Paul, the dancers eventually transcend the confines of the tub to the floor of the space. Moving deftly between the pillars they jump, run, and sway.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Movement Mass Online, 2021


Movement Mass Online, 2021

January 24 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm UTC+5

|Recurring Event (See all)
Movement Mass is a weekly dance event developed by Melissa Michaels. Rooted in the 5Rhythms®, she has offered this dance in Colorado and other places around the world for more than 30 years.
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Be Still


January 31

Shapes of Breath
La mappa della Quiete (Stillness)
condotto da Emma Leech

31 Gennaio 2021  
3pm | 6pm ITA
2pm | 5pm UK
9am | 12pm

Online Zoom

***For english version pls scroll down***

Master Class Online di approfondimento della Mappa della Quiete (Stillness)
Parte del ciclo di 5 giornate ESPLORANDO I RITMI che ripercorre i 5Ritmi uno per volta.

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Nia with Danielle


January 21 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am PST

|Recurring Event (See all)
| $15 – $20

Lively dance based on martial arts, dance arts, and healing arts. Nia is a 40-year-old practice enjoyed by thousands worldwide. My weekly online classes are a gift to me, allowing me to stay in touch with my students virtually.

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Dance First Member Insight: Maneesha McClure & Dance Alchemy!


This week’s Dance First Member Spotlight is from Maneesha McClure, creator of Dance Alchemy!

Hi, Lovers of Dancing! 

I am new here and am happy to be part of the Dance First community! As the proud creator of Dance AlchemyI’ve seen firsthand how dance and movement can impact a person’s overall well-being. Dance Alchemy focuses on how dancing can transform – on how, through dance, we can fully live within each moment. It’s also about opening up and moving deeper into a space beyond the ups and downs of everyday life. My work has usually been organized by meditation centers in various places around the world.

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Monday Love to your Liberty and Legacy


“Everybody can be great … because anybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.”

 ~ Martin Luther King Jr.

How do you define freedom? Is it different than liberty? How do justice, equality, and agency fit into the picture?

Today here in the USA we honor the legacy of the Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr. with a bank holiday, meaning schools, government offices, and the post office are all closed. For an every-Monday writer like me, it’s a good time to publicly ponder what his work was all about, how it changed our world, and what it means moving forward. Let’s not forget how central the theme of love was to his work moving the cause of civil rights forward.

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Monday, January 18, 2021

TuTu Tuesday


February 2, 2022 @ 3:00 pm - February 3, 2022 @ 3:00 pm UTC+5

Is there such a thing as too many tutus? Help us strive to break the world-record for number of people wearing a Tutu on a Train on a Tuesday from Beaverton to downtown PDX. Pre-funk location TBD
*photo by

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Reacalibrate: 21 Days of Ritual To Set Your Course For These New Times


January 22 @ 4:00 am - 4:00 pm UTC+5

| free
We invite you to join us for 21 days of ritual to align and activate yourself in the direction of this new year.
As we welcome our collective entry into 2021 – let us join our hearts, minds, bodies and spirits together in a global prayer to honor your personal intentions for your life and all our relations.
We are calling upon those of you who feel ready and willing to unite and weave your prayers into being. This is an invitation to recalibrate your inner compass and tune your instrument of service with us in this 21 Days of Ritual offering.
Come and dream yourself into being.

Open your heart and listen to what’s being called through you at this time of planetary change

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Dance Alchemy Heart Meditation


January 27 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pm MST

|Recurring Event (See all)
| $10

Dance Alchemy Heart Meditation
Live Online on Zoom
Every Wednesday
10am L.A. / 1pm NY / 7pm BERLIN

We would like to invite you to this series of monthly live online free classes of Dance Alchemy with Heart Meditation.
As we are bombarded from everywhere with information, opinions, political upheaval, fighting, angst, drama and unconscious actions, it feels like the only thing worth putting energy into in our lives is love, transformation and consciousness. Perhaps instead of being knocked down, we can ride on those waves towards that which is beyond all this.
It is more powerful when we do it together. Let’s transform and rise high as we dance and go deep into the heart!
Each month we will be working with a new topic – then listening and receiving the grace that descends.

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Saturday, January 16, 2021

Dancing the energies of Saraswati & Lakshmi



8:30-9:30 am PST

Additional class options:

Tuesday & Thursday 8:30-9:30 am WildCore: OM (on mat) live stream through zoom

Wednesday 6:00-7:15 pm WildCore:OM live stream through zoom

January 4th ~ 15th 

We will be invoking the goddess energy of Saraswati~the one who flows as Language, Insight & Sound

January 18th ~ 29th 

We will be invoking the goddess energy of Lakshmi~Goddess of Abundance & Good Fortune

If you would like to purchase the book “Awakening Shakti” by Sally Kempton, I highly recommend it. She shares all kinds of information about these goddesses of Yoga along with many more.

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Creative Empowerment


April 27 - May 2

*Are you ready to deepen your understanding of the medicine of the 5 Elements within your body, energy and relations?

*Do you want to learn to be an artist of your expressive body?

*Are you ready to discover the untamed qualities of your wild core?

*Do you want to experience weaving choreography and conscious dance?

*Would you like to invite in the sacred wild feminine for yourself and as a space holder for others?

*Would you like to increase your movement vocabulary and somatic language?

​If most of these are a ‘yes’ then I would love to invite you to read further and ponder the possibility of joining us at the Eureka Retreat Center this Spring.

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Into the Light


February 5 - February 7

“Energy flows where attention goes” — Hawaiian Kahuna wisdom

That’s a profound insight into the nature of things. There are times when it’s useful to focus on what doesn’t work or what’s painful, to bring it up and sort it out. But . . . our brains have a hard-wired negativity bias, drawing our attention to problems. As a survival strategy in the wild, where the ‘news’ comes from our immediate environment, that works really well. As modern humans, we get fed bad news by the media that’s way out of proportion because it’s so far from here-and-now, and that makes us sick.

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Friday, January 15, 2021

Embodiment Training


January 23 @ 9:00 am - January 26 @ 5:00 pm EST

Embodiment Training is a live online training with Amara Pagano
January 23-26, 2021 | online

Deepen your Embodiment ~ attain mind body heart and soul connection

This training, led by Azul founder Amara Pagano, offers an in-depth exploration of the Azul Spiral and focuses on gaining an embodied understanding of each of its components. The Azul Spiral is a map of life that facilitates our evolutionary process and the awakening of consciousness. This is what moves us towards experiencing love in every aspect of our lives and fully expressing our gifts and potential

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Thursday, January 14, 2021



May 13 - May 16


S’enraciner et jaillir – Stage de Danse des 5Rythmes® avec Sara Cereghetti

Du 13 au 16 mai 2021

Stage résidentiel au Domaine du Taillé en Ardèche

Gaïa: terre mère. Chaque jour nous marchons sur son corps, elle soutient nos pas et nourrit nos corps, nos esprits et nos âmes. Par la pratique de la danse des 5Rythmes et par une immersion dans la nature de l’Ardèche – notre espace de danse est dojo au milieu des arbres, sous le chant des oiseaux – nous explorerons notre terre comme notre corps et notre corps comme notre terre : comment le mouvement continu et harmonieux nous rapproche-t-il de nos racines, alimente-t-il notre fluidité, crée-t-il de l’abondance, de la beauté et de l’émergence dans notre manière d’être au monde ?


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Nature of the Heart

May 14 - May 16

Surrounded by the mystical, ancient red rock desert of Moab, Utah, we journey on a vision quest to unearth our hearts and reclaim our aliveness.

Friday 7 – 9:30 pm

Saturday 10 – 5 + Night session under the stars

Sunday 10:30 – 5:30

In this workshop, we integrate the energy of the elements Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether with the Heartbeat map. We move with the primal wisdom of our emotions, experiencing them as the natural rhythms of life. 

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Schein und Sein


May 12 - May 16

Richte eine Kamera auf Menschen und sie verändern sich. Ein Spiel von Sehen und Gesehen-Werden, Sich-Aufplustern und Verstecken, von Ängsten und Sehnsüchten, von Masken, innerer Wahrheit und äußerem Bild, dem Schein und dem Sein, beginnt.

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Your Soul Is a Dancer


April 23 - April 25

Im Lyrical wird uns bewusst, dass wir die Freiheit haben, jederzeit die Energie zu verändern. Wir sind nie auf nur eine Möglichkeit festgelegt. Wir wissen, dass uns immer mehrere Möglichkeiten offen stehen. Unsere Seele ist von Natur aus eine sich wandelnde Gestalt.

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Anatomy of movement: PELVIS


March 20

SAMEDI 10h – 17h


Le bassin est le centre de nos quatre directions, le creuset puissant de l’énergie vitale et créatrice. Le sacrum, étymologiquement os sacré, ou os temple, qui protège les organes reproducteurs, contient la force de vie. Nous libérerons la mobilité de notre bassin et les ailes de nos hanches pour déployer une danse bien centrée, tout à la fois fluide et expressive, ondoyante et percutante, exprimant pleinement notre identité

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Staccato Forgiveness


February 27

5Rhythms®: Staccato Forgiveness

In Gabrielle Roth’s own words, “We are the strongest, when we are the most vulnerable.” Join us as we dance into the power of our individual Staccato nature. It is this powerful space that allows us to touch into the strength of our inner vulnerability.

This dance is an investigation into the sacred nature of our healing path. How have you been hurt in this lifetime? How have your boundaries been crossed? As we dance we focus the somatics of healing core wounds. In doing so to face what needs to be accepted and forgiven.

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Women’s Mindful Movement Circle


February 16 @ 10:30 am - 11:45 am PST

|Recurring Event (See all)

This is a luscious opportunity for women to gather and move together in a safe, loving and permissive space. We’re supported by a dynamic movement practice with roots in the practical skills of living in a body with heart, meaning, and purpose.

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Women’s Mindful Movement Circle


February 2 @ 10:30 am - 11:45 am PST

|Recurring Event (See all)

This is a luscious opportunity for women to gather and move together in a safe, loving and permissive space. We’re supported by a dynamic movement practice with roots in the practical skills of living in a body with heart, meaning, and purpose.
The class begins at 10:30 am (PDT). The Zoom Room opens 10 minutes before the beginning of the class with warm-up/arrival music playing. We’d love for you to come early to have the time to arrive together and start right at ten-thirty. Class is from 10:30-11:35 and we’ll end with a 10 minute reflective closing circle leaving some time to say hello to each other.

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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Dance First Member Insight: Sofiah Thom!


This week’s Dance First Member Spotlight is from Sofiah Thom, creator of the Temple Body Arts™ School for Embodied Feminine Leadership.

Dear Conscious Dancer tribe,

2020 left so many of us feeling powerless…

We watched as the old systems and structures began to crumble and fall. If there is anything that navigating the pandemic and 2020 has taught us, it is how to continually shift and pivot in a different direction. But we must create space to listen, before moving forward. As we enter 2021, we must ask ourselves, what are we leaving behind in 2020, and what are we calling in? Recently, through an injury, I was forced to pause and listen deeply, and I now recognize the importance of creating space to pause and reflect on how we are called to move forward, collectively.

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