Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Dance First Member Insight: Sofiah Thom!


This week’s Dance First Member Spotlight is from Sofiah Thom, creator of the Temple Body Arts™ School for Embodied Feminine Leadership.

Dear Conscious Dancer tribe,

2020 left so many of us feeling powerless…

We watched as the old systems and structures began to crumble and fall. If there is anything that navigating the pandemic and 2020 has taught us, it is how to continually shift and pivot in a different direction. But we must create space to listen, before moving forward. As we enter 2021, we must ask ourselves, what are we leaving behind in 2020, and what are we calling in? Recently, through an injury, I was forced to pause and listen deeply, and I now recognize the importance of creating space to pause and reflect on how we are called to move forward, collectively.

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