Saturday, January 16, 2021

Dancing the energies of Saraswati & Lakshmi



8:30-9:30 am PST

Additional class options:

Tuesday & Thursday 8:30-9:30 am WildCore: OM (on mat) live stream through zoom

Wednesday 6:00-7:15 pm WildCore:OM live stream through zoom

January 4th ~ 15th 

We will be invoking the goddess energy of Saraswati~the one who flows as Language, Insight & Sound

January 18th ~ 29th 

We will be invoking the goddess energy of Lakshmi~Goddess of Abundance & Good Fortune

If you would like to purchase the book “Awakening Shakti” by Sally Kempton, I highly recommend it. She shares all kinds of information about these goddesses of Yoga along with many more.

Read More Here

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