Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Monday Love to your Ideals and Optimism


“ How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.”

 ~ Anne Frank

How do you know when some faraway drama may affect you personally? What’s your method of dealing with the unexpected? When is it time to ask your community for help?

It might seem tempting to brush off the events of last Wednesday, (or the past four years even) as simply another baffling episode in a long string of occurrences that are far away, little understood, and have no real bearing on your day-to-day life.

After all, we’re busy, right? We have work to do, errands to run, plenty of things in our own lives to deal with. Unforeseen circumstances, disasters large and small. (Like beloved cats who suddenly need lifesaving veterinary help — more on that momentarily)

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