Monday, January 18, 2021

Reacalibrate: 21 Days of Ritual To Set Your Course For These New Times


January 22 @ 4:00 am - 4:00 pm UTC+5

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We invite you to join us for 21 days of ritual to align and activate yourself in the direction of this new year.
As we welcome our collective entry into 2021 – let us join our hearts, minds, bodies and spirits together in a global prayer to honor your personal intentions for your life and all our relations.
We are calling upon those of you who feel ready and willing to unite and weave your prayers into being. This is an invitation to recalibrate your inner compass and tune your instrument of service with us in this 21 Days of Ritual offering.
Come and dream yourself into being.

Open your heart and listen to what’s being called through you at this time of planetary change

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